[ chapter ten ]

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venus' pov

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venus' pov

we were helping people onto the lifeboats in the helicarrier. "alright, let's load 'em up!" clint said. i picked up someones kid and handing her to her mom. "number six boat is topped and locked. or, uh, or stocked, topped. it... it's, uh, full of people." one of the workers said.

"incoming!" maria said. the helicarrier shook. i guessed it was one of ultron's minions. "clint! i'm heading over to where thor and tony are." i yelled over at him. "okay! i'll meet you there!" he told me.

i made my way over to see ultron, vision, and thor there. thor and ultron were fighting and vision was messing with... something. "you think you're saving anyone? i turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. even you can't stop that."

"i am thor, son of odin, and as long as there is life in my breast, i am... running out things to say-" thor said.

"well, son of odin, you look like you're getting your ass beat by tin foil and your running out of mighty things to say." i said. "venus! i've been waiting for you!" ultron announced. "the feeling is mutual." i told him. "are you ready?" thor suddenly yelled. vision nodded and used thor's hammer to hit ultron.

"you know, i'm never gonna stop making fun of you about that." i said, laughing a bit. "yeah, yeah." thor told me, smiling. vision threw the hammer to thor. "it's terribly well balanced." i furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head in confusion.

how is something terribly well balanced?

"well, if there's too much weight, you lose power on the swing, so." thor told vision. "i got it! create a heat seal. i can...i can supercharge the spire from below." tony suddenly said. "running numbers..." FRIDAY told him. "a heat seal could work with enough power."

"thor, i have a plan!" tony said. "we're out of time. their coming for the core." thor told him. "shit." i said. "rhodey, get the rest of the on board that carrier." tony told rhodes. "on it."

"avengers, time to work for a living." tony told us. "alright, here we go." i said. the rest of the team joins us. pietro sped in, asking wanda if she was okay. "romanoff? you and banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini'. " tony told nat. i fake gagged into the comms. "never say that again, good god." i said. "relax, shell-head. not all of us can fly." she told him, coming in and standing beside me. "hi." i greeted, smiling a bit. "hi." she greeted back. "what's the drill?" she asked, still looking at me before turning away.

"this is the drill. if ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose." tony explained. ultron came to where we were. "you have got to be kidding me." i said. "is that the best you can do?" thor asked him. ultron brought in his minions. i crossed my arms, looking over at thor. "really?" i asked him. "this, is the best i can do. this is exactly what i wanted. all of you, against all of me. how could you possibly hope to stop me?" "i mean, you did say all together." i told him, shrugging my shoulders.

PLANET VENUS - natasha romanoff Where stories live. Discover now