[ chapter six ]

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venus' pov

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venus' pov

we were on the quinjet after we finished the mission. i was exhausted, the scene never leaving my mind.

"the news is loving you guys. nobody else is. there's been no official call for banner's arrest, but it's in the air." maria told us.

"stark relief foundation?" tony asked.

"already on the scene. how's the team?"

"everyone's... we took a hit. we'll shake it off."

... yeah. of course we will.

"well for now i'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here."

they continued talking, when natasha walked over to me.

"how are you feeling?" she asked, sitting beside me.

"tired. exhausted. mostly sleepy. how about you?" i asked, looking over.

"not too bad. i'm more concerned for you, though. you need rest." i just hummed, starting to go in and out of consciousness. she didn't say anything, but..

she put my head on her shoulder and held it there.

"i'll wake you up when we get there."

i was screaming on the inside. cheeks hot, not knowing what to do or how to respond. "okay." i mumbled back, nodding. the world was fading into darkness, natasha talking to everyone else.

"venus, we're here." i heard natasha whisper to me. i looked up, rubbing my eyes. "where, exactly, are we?" i asked.

"clint's house."

we walked towards the house, me still struggling a bit because i'm still waking up. "what is this place?" thor asked. "a safe house?" tony asked.

"let's hope." clint responded. we entered the house, clint yelling, "honey, i'm home!"


we walked in, clint's pregnant girlfriend walking in.

"hi. company. sorry i didn't call ahead." she apologized, "hey." she greeted clint, kissing him.

tony turned over to thor, whispering, "this is an agent of some kind."

"gentlemen, gentlewoman, this is laura." he introduced.

"i know all you're names." she told us. the boys looked at her awkwardly.

lord, have mercy.

"hi! it's nice to meet you!" i say excitedly. "you must be venus, nick's daughter?" she replied, shaking my hand. i nodded smiling still. we started hearing tiny footsteps coming down the stairs.

"ooh, incoming." clint said, picking up his children.

"there's more mini clint's?" i asked.

"dad!" his daughter said. "hi, sweetheart!" he said, kissing the top of her head. "hey, buddy! how you guys doing?" he said, smiling happily.

i have never seen him this happy before.

"these are... smaller agents." tony told us. i giggled a bit, finding him amusing right now.

"look at your face! oh my goodness!" clint said. my smile started getting bigger and bigger, watching clint with his children.

"did you bring auntie nat?" his daughter asked.

"why don't you hug her and find out?"


good god.

good fucking god.

lord have mercy.

moving on.

his daughter ran towards nat, and nat picks her up, giggling and smiling.

i love seeing her happy.

"sorry for barging in on you." steve apologized.

"yeah, we would've called ahead, but we were busy having no idea you existed." i glared at tony for a second.

"yeah, well fury helped me set this up when i joined. he kept it off SHIELD's files, i'd like to keep it that way. i figure it's a good place to lay low." clint explained.

"honey. ah, i missed you." his wife said. "i really hope i have something like this one day." i said, still smiling. natasha went over and touched her stomach. "how's little natasha doing, huh?" she asked.

"she's... nathaniel." she said.


i laughed a bit at that. natasha glared at me playfully. "shut up." she said, laughing a bit.

i made her laugh.

i managed to make natasha romanoff laugh.

suddenly, thor walked out of the house, steve following. i was debating if i wanted to follow them or not. i might as well.

i followed them out, wanting to know what the problem was. "is everything okay?" i asked. "i saw something in that dream. i need answers. i won't find them here." he said, lifting his hammer and flying away. steve and i look at each other, "do you think he's gonna be okay?" i asked. "we need him to be." he said, turning and walking towards the house.

we all paired up for different rooms. i was with nat. i walked out of the shower, drying my hair. i saw she was waiting on me.

"oh. i'm sorry, i didn't know you were waiting." i apologized.

"i would've joined you." she said. my heart started beating faster and faster by the second. "i- um- t-they used up all the hot water." i told her. "i would've joined you, but uh, it didn't seem like the right time." she told me again.

for the love of god, please.

"i, um, i would've let you... if you had let me know..." i quietly said the last part. "really, now?" she said, standing up.

my heart started beating impossibly faster. i was praying to god she couldn't hear it. "yeah." i said,
having no idea what to say. "nice to know for next time." she said, winking at me.

oh my god oh my god oh my god-

"what dream did she give you?" she asked me. calming down from the situation, i told her, "it wasn't really... a dream. i think she makes you relive memories of your past, giving you the feeling you felt again. i'm not really sure how to explain it." i said, the vision still in my mind. "what it was... it was my mom dying. she had her mouth hanging open, staring right at me. my dad was dragging me away but i couldn't do anything or hear anything else but the screams of the people around me.." i said, replaying everything in mind. tears started welling in my eyes and i didn't even notice nat had me in her embrace. "you're okay. you're here now, with us... i won't let anything happen to you, okay?" she told me. i nodded, falling more and more into her.

hello, so thank you for almost 100 reads !! i was really excited to write this, but i decided to split it into two parts since it's a lot to write and i'm sleepy. anyways, have a good day/night !!

word count: 1048

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