[ chapter one ]

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venus' pov

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venus' pov

okay, well here we are. nat and clint are in a truck together, tony is having jarvis guide him to the building, thor is on top of a tower, steve is on a motorcycle running over people and i'm here making sure bruce doesn't kill me while i'm on him. i was shooting at people and bruce was throwing them out of our way.



".. steve did you just say language?" i asked him, trying not to laugh.

"shut up. JARVIS what's the view from upstairs?"

"the building is protected by some sort of.. energy shield. strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken." he responded.

"loki's scepter must be here. strucker couldn't mount this defence without it. at long last."

i knocked out soldiers and responded with, " yeah, 'at long last' is lasting a little long."

"yeah, i think we lost our element of surprise." clint said.

"wait a second no one else is going to deal with the fact that cap just said 'language'?"

"i've been making fun of him in my head for it i don't know about y'all, though." i responded, mimicking the power of a gun one of the soldiers had.

"i know," steve responded, "it just slipped out."

" 'it just slipped out' were you not allowed to swear at base or something?" i asked while chuckling.

"sir, the city is taking fire." JARVIS told tony.

"shit!" i said.


"steve, the more you say that the more i'm going to make fun of you."

"well, we know strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. send in the iron legion." tony said.

all of a sudden we heard flying above us, the iron legion heading to the city. "this quadrant is unsafe. please back away. we are here to help." their automated voices said. they kept repeating it but it didn't sound like the civillians were listening.

"tony is there a way i can mute my comms from them?" i asked annoyed.

"nope, so suck it up."

"avengers, go home!" i heard them chant.

"you know, i would love to but i don't feel like having another loki thing happen and having y'all's blood on my hands so.." i thought.

all of a sudden i got knocked off bruce.

"the hell?" i saw a flash through the forest, and through the comms i heard clint grunt. a boy with blonde/silver hair came up to me.

"you didn't see that coming?" he zooms off towards clint. "praise jesus for me looking at him when i did. clint he's coming towards you." i said.

PLANET VENUS - natasha romanoff Where stories live. Discover now