[ chapter five ]

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venus' pov

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venus' pov

we're in a salvage yard on the african coast where ultron and whoever this ulysses guy is. we had comms in, listening to the conversations.

"don't tell me your man swindled you. i sent you six short range heat seekers and got a boat full of rusted parts. now, you will make it right, or the next missile i send you will come very much faster." i guessed that was ulysses.

"now, minister, where we?" he must've switched over to another call. we all looked at eachother, concerned. 'minister?' i whispered.

suddenly, the lights went out, causing everyone working to start panicking. we hear ulysses start talking, "yeah. the enhanced. strucker's prize pupils."

the twins were here?

of course their here.

are we surprised?


"want a candy?" i furrowed my eyebrows. "oh, sorry to hear about strucker. but then, he knew what kind of world he was helping create. human life, not a growth market." he paused for a second, "you... you didn't know? is this your first time intimidating someone? i'm afraid that i'm not afraid." he said.

"everybody's afraid of something." i'm guessing that was the girl.

their accents are hot.

moving on.

"cuttlefish. deep sea fish. they make lights. disco lights. whoom, whoom," he said, making sound effects. "i saw a documentary. it was terrifying. so if you're going to fiddle my brain, and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then i know you don't do business, and i know you're not in charge, and i only deal with the man in charge." he finished.

we heard glass shattering and a thud. "there is no "man" in charge. upon this rock, i will build my church. vibranium." i pinched the bridge of my nose. i really did not feel like dealing with ultron today.

"you know, it came at great personal cost. it's worth billions."

"now, so are you. it's all under dummy holdings? finance is so weird. but i always say, 'keep your friends rich and your enemies rich, and wait to find out which is which.' "


well shit. i looked at tony, him still focusing on the conversation.

"what?" ultron asked.

"tony stark used to say that...to me. you're one of his." ulysses said.

"what?! i'm not...!" he said, venom and hate laced in his tone. my eyes widened a bit. "i'm not. you think i'm one of stark's puppets, his hollow men?!" he asked, more and more hate lacing his voice. "i mean look at me, do i look like iron man?stark is-" we heard a scream of pain. i flinched a bit. "i'm sorry, i am sor— ooh, i'm sure that's going to be okay. i'm sorry, it's just i don't understand. don't compare me with stark! it's a thing with me. stark is, he's a sickness!"

PLANET VENUS - natasha romanoff Where stories live. Discover now