Fall Festival

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Corpse stared at his computer screen. The browns oranges and reds seemed to take up the whole screen. Bright letters reading 'FALL FAIR' shown in bright letters. He didn't expect Toast to send him this.

Toast: Take Sykkuno it'd be fun, I'm sure

Corpse stared at the message. Recently him and Sykkuno had been working on his fear of being outside. They would slowly go to more crowded areas but he was positive this would be more crowded then any of the other places.

Corpse: I'll think about it...

How do you get over a fear? Your supposed to face it. Even though that's what everyone says is doesnt make it easy. Corpse kept staring at the flyer as if something would change. As if the date would suddenly move back 2 years.

Corpse: hi Kuno

Sykkuno: Hiiii. What's up?

Corpse: are you free on Tuesday

Sykkuno: Yup. Why?

Corpse: im going to take you somewhere that you'll love

Sykkuno: I can't wait. Bye I love you

Corpse: I love you to

Corpse stared at the conversation, realization setting in that there was no going back. The issue wasn't that he didnt want to spend time with Sykkuno, because god knows he did, it was the fact that he didnt want to be miserable with Sykkuno. He wanted to be the reason Sykkuno slimed but if Sykkuno was taking care of him then how could he be happy.

He wondered how he was supposed to make this easier. When no ideas came to mind he just played his head back and grabbed his sleeping pills. Maybe actually resting would help him think clearer. Maybe then he'd be able to figure out what him and Sykkuno could do.

Slowly days in the week went by. First Thursday, then Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and at least Monday. Corpse was staring at himself in the mirror. He felt like he was underdressed for this occasion. It was a date after all. He was in a black shirt that said 'why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet' with blue jeans. Then again he didnt have anything more formal.

Finally Corpse looked at the clock and saw his time to leave. He had planned a full day at the festival. They would have to stay late though because he wanted to see the fireworks, and the idea at night.

When Corspe pulled into Sykkunos driveway and watched him walk out he was very happy with how they both had dressed. Sykkuno was in a white shirt that read his channel name and black skinny Jean's.

"Hi Corpse," Sykkuno said while buckling himself into the car. He turned his head and kissed Corpse on the cheek before grabbing his hand. "I missed you."

"I missed you to Kuno," Corpse whispered slowly into his ear before squeezing his hand and giving him a soft smile.

"Where are we going?" Sykkuno asked when they pulled down a road that Sykkuno didn't recognize.

"I swear you'll love it."

"You're ignoring my question."

"Do I need to say you'll love it again?" Corpse asked in a joking manner.

"Just tell me," Sykkuno puted while staring at Corpse through his lashes. Truthfully Corpse was about to blurt out the answer but then Sykkuno saw the ferris wheel in the distance there was no question anymore.

"Your brought me to a festival! Corpse this is amazing. I love you I love you I love you!" Sykkuno shouted while quickly throwing himself out of the car and running towards the gate.

"Sykkuno slow down," Corpse said with a chuckle bubbling in his throat.


The couple entered the fair after paying for the tickets and stamps for rides. People crowded every area and it's like it suddenly his Sykkuno like a train.

"Corpse we should leave."


"You're not used to these big crowds!"

"I would go it for you."

Corpse didn't know if it was the lightning or the atmosphere of the fair or even just the way Sykkuons eyes bored into his but he felt his heart skip a beat at the way he was so worried.

"I'm fine, love." Sykkuno finally seemed to be happy with the answer. He quickly grabbed Corpse's hand and dragged him towards a roller coaster. Corpse wasn't really one to ride a roller coaster but for Sykkuno he would jump from a plane.

When they had risen every ride and the sun was setting the festival somehow came to life even more. Families were everywhere enjoying time with one another. Couples were on dates. Kids were meeting friends. Sykkuno and Corpse made their way to a seating area for the fireworks.

"You can really see all the pretty lights from here," Sykkuno said while smiling at Corpse.

"Its beautiful but I'd still rather stare at you, love."

"Stop being cheesy."

"Do you really want me to?"

"Of course not."

Finally the fireworks set off leaving beautiful reds blues yellows purples and whites in the sky.

Sykkuno almost squeaked when Corpse pulled him into a kiss. It was soft and sweet causing Sykkuno to hug Corpse closer. Somewhere deep in his body Corpse was still scared but it seemed that fear was subsided by his amazing Sykkuno.

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