Face to Face

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The whole group was playing among us. Toast, Rae, Sykkuno, Corpse, Jack, Poki, Lily, and Train.

Corpse and Sykkuno had been dating for almost a month and hadn't told them. Even if Sykkuno hadn't seen Corpse's face he knew he loved him. After all you love for personality not looks.

They were all messing around having fun and then Toast said something that made Corpse freeze.

"Guys we should all meet up!" He shouted excitedly.

Rae let out a squeal of excitement. "Yes yes yes," Rae sheared out.

Corpse out of instinct started to play with his skull rings.

Everyone started saying their variations of yes.

"Corpse you don't have to if you don't want to," Toast said instantly feeling bad.

Sykkuno silently begged corpse to say yes. He really wanted to get to see his boyfriends face for the first time. Finally Corpse let out a sigh.

"Am I the only one who thinks Toast said that to get close to Rae?" Corpse asked.

They all started laughing except for Toast who let out a small huff.

"So Corpse is that a yes or a no?" Asked Sykkuno.

Corpse wanted to scream. It had to be Sykkuno. Everyone knows he can't say no to Sykkuno. He could practically see Sykkuno's puppy dog eyes. The begging look and the pout.

"Oh for the love of god. Yes I will go," Corpse said making everyone cheer in happiness. Sykkuno almost felt bad because he knew Corpse wouldn't say no.

Corpse however didn't really care. All that was going through his head was that he was gonna actually get to see Sykkuno. Pictures didn't mean anything face cams could have filters but face to face Corpse could tell him juts how amazing he was.

Sykkuno was pretty much jumping in excitement. When everyone got off of the game Sykkuno grinned.

He quickly called Corpse. "Hey Corpsie!" Sykkuno said happily.

"Wuddup baby," Corpse said jokingly. Sykkuno chuckled slightly.

"I'm really sorry," Sykkuno said.

Corpse instantly knew he meant he was sorry for asking him to go to the meet up.

"Kkuno I could never be mad at you besides I'm excited," Corpse told him happily.

"Can you promise me something?" Sykkuno asked.

"Of course what is it?"

"Make sure to kiss me when you see me. I don't care who sees. I just need to kiss you," Sykkuno said.

Corpse felt everything slow down. He loved this boy so much.

"Sykkuno you could have asked me to do anything and I would. You didn't even have to ask me that," Corpse told him.

They called it a night and went to sleep.

*time skip*

Corpse sighed as he put on his white shirt. He threw on black jeans and white shoes. His hair stayed a curly mess.

Finally he went started walking to the meet up spot. It was only about 10 minutes away.

When Corpse got there he saw them all. The first person that he saw was Rae then the one and only Sykkuno. His features were unmistakable. He was drinking coffee. However Corpse knew it was downed in sugar.

Not even thinking about the consequences he walked up to them. He passed by Rae, Toast, and Jack. He stood beside Sykkuno. When Sykkuno looked at him wide eyed he started to smile.

Corpse leaned down and captured Sykkuno into a kiss. The coffee made it almost bittersweet.

Everyone stared at them in shock. Corpse finally leaned away only to notice the attention.

"Dang Corpse I didn't know you had a thing for me that bad," Sykkuno said partially out of breath.

"Sykkuno don't act like you didn't tell me to do that," Corpse said with a small smirk.

"Okay what the hell is going on?" Asked Toast while looking between the two boys.

Corpse chuckled as Sykkuno laughed whole heartedly.

"Me and Corpse have been dating for a little while and didn't want to tell y'all over a video game," Sykkuno answered.

"Sykkuno you were supposed to be mine," Jack said with a fake pout.

Everyone laughed getting a few weird looks from everyone.

"Hello what are your orders?" Asked a nice waitress that Corpse recognized immediately.

"I want a grilled cheese with milk. Also quick question. Ally why are you working here?" Corpse asked.

The girl looked up to reveal black curls and ones eyes. She had pale skin and wore a shocked look.

"Yo yo yo big bro," she said with a small laugh.

Finally the day came to a small end little by little.

"Hey Corpse I just wanted to say I love you," Sykkuno said shyly.

"Sykkuno I love you to. You mean the world to me," Corpse said.

Sykkuno stood on his tip toes and kissed Corpse on the cheek.

"This was the perfect face to face meeting," said Sykkuno

Sykkuno x corpse OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now