Stop Knocking Please

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Corpse smiled as he looked down at the boy in his arms. His black hair and slightly tanned skin glowed in the morning light. Corpse smiled and snuggled up closer to the smaller boy. Truth was Sykkuno was Slightly taller but his really skinny and petite frame fit perfectly with Corpse.

Sykkuno woke up knowing Corpse was awake. He turned over in his arms and gave Corpse a sleepy smile. His eyes half closed eyes looking adorable and his hands enclosing Corpse's.

Corpse chuckled and placed a kiss on his forehead. When he went to kiss lips he was stopped by a knock on the door. He let out a small grumble of disappointment when Sykkuno got up to open the door.

Toast was standing there with Rae Lily and Ally in toe. Sykkuno greeted them with a friendly smile. They all walked in giving hugs and small waves.

Corpse glared at all of them making Sykkuno giggle.

"Turn that frown upside down you grinch," Ally said while holding two bags.

"I'm not a grinch I didn't steal your Christmas you stole my kiss," Corpse said while giving another light glare.

Corpse didn't care if it was Christmas Eve. Sure they all agreed to meet up to give out gifts but not this early. He wanted to watch movies with Sykkuno and eat junk food. Of course not to much because of his illness.

Ally gave him an apologetic smile before clapping her hands "who's ready to decorate the tree?" She asked with a grin.

Sykkuno's eyes lit up and he nodded his head. Of course Corpse would agree to make him happy.

Soon enough boxes were everywhere on the ground filled with ornaments and bows. Ally and Toast had a few ornaments as well.

Sykkuno quickly put the star in top and Corpse decorated right below it. Ally was to short to reach up high so Toast picked her up and had her placing ornaments.

Finally the tree was decorated and the gifts were all under it. Now all they had to do was wait for the others.

They had Jack, Nogla, Dream, Train, Marcel, and all of their girls.

Ally Toast Rae and Lily went back to the living room while Corpse and Sykkuno looked at the tree. Sykkuno quickly put his smaller hand in Corpses. Corpse turned and pulled Sykkuno closer. He was about to kiss him only to have another knock sound through the house.

Corpse felt like his friends planned this. Like Toast was outside the room watching them and then messaged them to come in. Yet again Sykkuno rushed to open the door. Nogla Jack and Marcel stood there. Nogla was saying something stupid making Marcel and his wife roll their eyes. Nogla's fiance was behind them holding a toddler only about a year and 4 months old.

They all made their way inside laughing and making jokes. Everyone in awe over Nogla's child. Corpse watched Sykkuno as he picked up the toddler. It was so cute.

Corpse smiled as his boyfriend held the child. His heart melted as Sykkuno looked at him with such bright eyes.

More presents went under the tree and soon they pulled video games out. Everyone decides on Mario Kart. Marvel tried to get everyone to not play because he knew new he'd just want to kill Nogla in his sleep. However the final decision was up to Corpse and he knew Sykkuno wanted to play.

Soon enough the first round was over with Nogla in first Jack in second Sykkuno In third Toast in fourth and Rae in fifth and Marcel in last.

Marcel quickly handed the controller to someone else. Sykkuno jumped up and hugged Corpse about to kiss him only for another knock to sound out.

Corpse and Sykkuno both growled slightly. Rae and Toast laughed slightly. They yet again answered the door revealing Train and Dream followed by two people.

"Hey hope you don't mind I brought George and Sapnap," Dream said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Its not a problem. You know what they say, the more the merrier," Sykkuno said replacing is slightly annoyed look with a soft smile.

"It would have been more merrier if you would have knocked a make out session later," Corpse said giving Sykkuno a small wink.

Sykkuno felt his cheeks heat up. He threw a shoe at Corpse. His face was bright red and he covered it with his hand. Dream and George sat there awkwardly while everyone else was dying of laughter.

Everyone finally sat around the living room getting gifts thrown at them left and right. Corpse held a small box in his pocket.

Sykkuno looked around his gifts realising Corpse's didn't get him one. He felt horrible but he quickly figured he forgot or the gift hadn't come yet.

"Corpse did you not get me a gift?" Sykkuno asked sadly.

"Oh I did but I have to give it to you last," he replied with a grin.

Finally every present was given out and everyone stared at Corpse and Sykkuno.

Corpse stood in front of Sykkuno and grabbed his hand. He quickly pulled out a dark blue box and opened it. Sykkuno stared as he slid a ring on his finger.

"Well you already know the question now I want an answer," Corpse said.

"I would love to marry you," Sykkuno said as he pulled Corpse up.

Corpse was about to lean on only for another knock to go through the house.

"For the love of god stop knocking!" Corpse and Sykkuno shouted.

Everyone laugh as they shared a kiss as soon to be husbands.

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