My Life My Love My Time

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My love. What was the reason behind that. The nickname was so unreal. It never seemed to matter. The word love can be thrown around so much. I love you. How many people had said that and not meant it? Would he ever do that to me?

I turned over on the bed and looked at Sykkuno. His pale skin and rosey cheeks. He was perfect. I truly love him. I wonder if he really loves me back sometimes. Sykkuno is amazing. He has pretty eyes. He is as sweet as sugar and he's never been mean. But me? I'm Corpse. Nothing sweet about it.

"Go to sleep," Sykkuno muttered. I felt my eyes widen and I went to just turn over again. "I can practically hear the gears in your head turning. So what's bothering you?" Sykkuno asked while hugging up to me.

"Do you love me? Like is it that oh yes we are best friends and I dont want to lose you? Or is it that over the moon hug me kiss me love me? Because I can't help but think about you all the time. The way you smile and laugh and I never want to lose you." I said while looking down at him.

By the time I had finished with my question Sykkuno seemed a little more awake and he pushed up so he was sitting above me.

"I think of you like that. I think about the way you laugh. About the way you bring me food in the morning because you don't sleep enough nd your always up before me. I think about the way you kiss me on the forehead. It's easily that over the top I love you please kiss me please hug me please love me." Sykkuno said while laying on my chest. His hair tickling my chin. I could feel his smile against me.

"Why? Why me? I'm not perfect or pretty I'm me. That's no where near good enough for you."

"Corpse are you insane?" The question sounded so genuine that it stung. "What is there to not love. I mean the only reason we havent told our friends is because we wanted to do that in person. Is that what it is? That we havent told them?"

"No it's that the only reason anyone likes me in my voice. No one wants to pay attention to my personality. Everyone talks about my deep soothing voice bu-."

"But nothing. Corpse your voice is amazing. However, if that was the only reason I liked you then I wouldn't stay because i coul never do that. Corpse I love you because your you. You're the most important person in my life. You're the most stunning man in the world. You're the perfect person. You always do your best. I need you Corpse. I couldn't live without you."

I looked at him and I felt my heart beat faster. He didn't miss a word. He didn't stutter. He was being genuine.

"Do I have to kiss you until you believe me?" Sykkuno asked as he pulled himself up and put his face nose to nose with mine.

"I love you Sykkuno."

"I love you to Corpsie. My life. My love. My time."

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