cat boy you've made my life pt.2

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Sykkuno smiled as Lily Rae and him went through his clothes. Yes he dragged the two girls who were his best friends to help him for his date. Lily quickly pulled out a blue shirt and a green scarf. While Rae picked up black jeans and a little bit of makeup.

Sykkuno tried to not take the makeup only for Rae and Lily to push him on his bed and get started.

"Sykkuno its gonna look great. I promise," Rae said with a grin.

Sykkuno just nodded his head unsure and let her get to work while Lily helped.

Corpse was at his house with his sister Ally helping. She was an amazing stylist as that used to be her job. However she got carried away so easily. Corpse was in a black button up shirt with blue jeans. He had a black backpack that had his eye patch and meds in it just in case. Now Ally was making his hair more tamed.

Finally she was finished. And showed Corpse his reflection. She had done amazing. While his hair wasn't as curly as normal is was still curly. The shirt and pants made his eyes seem lighter. Even Corpse believed he looked great in the moment.

Ally gave him a smile. "Have fun bit not to much fun!" Ally shouted while giving him a wink. Corpse rolled his eyes and waited for his date.

Sykkuno looked at himself in a mirror as Rae and Lily grinned proudly. He had to admit it was amazing. The slight amount of makeup seemed to make everything pop. Rae and Lily clearly were proud of it.

"Sykkuno your gonna wow this boy," Rae said while giving Lily a high five.

"You guys did great," Sykkuno said still in slight shock.

"Your the one that pulls it off," Lily said while giving him a side hug.

Finally it was time for Corpse to pick up Sykkuno. Of course Corpse was nervous. He's human after all. People sometimes forget that youtubers start out the same as them. They aren't heros in disguise. Their people with genuine fear, anxiety, trust, hope, and hurt. They take toxic comments to heart. They always get nervous wether their fans will like the video.

That's how Corpse felt at the moment. He was scared that someone was gonna know that it was him. He was nervous that Sykkuno was gonna start thinking that he was just a weirdo. He was scared that Sykkuno wouldn't like him.

Sykkuno wasn't having a freak out the way Corpse was. Sykkuno was sitting in his living room excited to see his crush. He couldn't wait to see Corpse. The black haired boy was Sykkunos perfect match and he was gonna make sure Corpse knew it.

When Corpse finally got to Sykkuno's house he instantly heard a little dog barking. He knocked on the door and Sykkuno threw it open. They both stared at each other for minute. Corpse felt his face heat up and looked Sykkuno up and down.

Sykkuno blushed and gave Corpse a big smile.

"I'm super excited," Sykkuno cheered out.

"Me to. Now come on a have an amazing coffee shot that I want to go to," Corpse said and practically dragged Sykkuno out of his house.

Sykkuno quickly stopped Corpse. "Corpse can I bring Bimb?" Sykkuno asked.

Corpse gave him a soft smile and nodded his head. Sykkuno quickly grabbed his leash and put Bimb on the leash.

They walked to Corpses car and got in quickly.

When they got to the coffee shop their server walked over.

"Hello I'm your server today. My name is Maru. Now what would you like?" The server asked kindly.

"I want a a caramel frappe please," Sykkuno said with a smile.

"And you sir?" Maru asked with another kind smile.

"I just want a black coffee plain," Corpse said.

Maru went to the kitchen and came back with their drinks.

"Here you go sirs enjoy your date," Maru said while setting the drinks on the table.

Corpse and Sykkuno sat in silence for a couple of seconds.

"What do you want to do after this?" Asked Sykkuno while taking a sip of his drink.

"Honestly I would love to go to one of our places and play among us," Corpse said while rubbing his fingers.

Bimb was Rolling around the floor and sniffing random things.

"I'm glad they allow dogs," Sykkuno said with a slight sigh.

"Yeah I wanted to make sure they did in case you wanted to bring Bimb," Corpse said while giving him a grin.

They went back and forth talking and making jokes for about an hour. Finally closing came and they were forced to leave.

"Can we take Bimb on a walk?" Sykkuno asked Corpse.

"Of course you can amor," Corpse said with a soft smile.

"What does amor mean?" Sykkuno asked with a confused look.

Corpse was about to laugh.

"It means love, and trust me I love you a lot," Corpse said while turning and looking at Sykkuno.

Sykkuno stopped and looked at Corpse. A blush creeping up onto his cheeks.

Corpse leaned in placing a hand on Sykkuno's cheek. Sykkuno closed his eyes and let Corpse kiss him. Suddenly Bimb started barking loudly. Sykkuno pulled away and looked over only to see Maru. They were in the ground with a door propped open.

"Hey I just wanted to make sure you were okay," they said.

Corpse and Sykkuno looked at him weirdly.

"I also might know who both of you are and ship immensely," Maru said nervously.

"Well thanks. Bye," Corpse said and him and Sykkuno started walking again.

Dedicated to okagotomaru21

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