Random Encounters

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Corpse was getting angry. He kept running into the same boy. He really wanted to kill what god there was. The boy was perfect. Smooth black hair bright eyes. All Corpse could do was walk strait passed him.

He couldn't tell Sykkuno it was him. Especially in public. Corpse wanted so badly to tell him,his YouTube friend and crush this was him. However he couldn't. He couldn't tell him that.

It would be such a disappointment to Sykkuno to see Corpse. All Corpse saw himself as was a curly haired anxiety freak. So clearly that's all Sykkuno would see right? It didn't matter the answer Corpse had already made his choice.

He always figured that he would get over his small crush. However he was wrong. He felt himself starting to crave Sykkunos voice and attention. He would constantly slip up and say things he shouldn't. Luckily everyone saw it as a joke. Yet again Corpse was at a local Starbucks when he saw Sykkuno.

The kind smile as he talked to a waitress broke him. Maybe Sykkuno was strait. So when he found himself sit at a table by Sykkuno he wanted to curse himself. He had a perfect view of him.

When the waitress came over to Corpse's he was still in absolute shock. He quickly ordered his drink and looked at Sykkuno again. However when he did Sykkuno dropped his drink causing it to spill everywhere.

Sykkuno was getting his frappe from the kind waitress when he saw a boy walk in. He was adorable with curly black hair pale skin and ones eyes. The boy sat down and looked at Sykkuno causing Sykkuno to look down.

When the waitress went over to the curly haired boy Sykkuno heard him speak. That voice was unmistakable. He stared at Corpse in shock and dropped his drink. Corpse looked at him confused.

Sykkuno quickly grabbed paper towels to clean the mess. Corpse got down and help and tat just made Sykkuno embarrassed. He looked at the other boy and quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him up. Corpse looked at Sykkuno and then looked away.

"I'm not stupid. I know who you are," Sykkuno said slightly teasingly. Corpse looked at Sykkuno. A slightly scared look on his face.

"Look I can explain," Corpse said quickly. Even though he really couldn't. What should he say. I've seen you everywhere but I didn't want you to hate me. No because then he'd look like a stalker.

"Corpse its fine and your voice is hard to mistake," Sykkuno hummed out with a smile.

Corpse gave a soft smile and cleaned the rest of the drink off the ground. Corpse threw away the trash and went back to his seat. Sykkuno followed and started talking to Corpse.

"So you live around here?" Sykkuno asked him while wishing he had his drink.

"Yeah only a couple of minutes away on foot," Corpse said with a small shrug.

Sykkuno gave him a bright smile that made butterfly go everywhere. God Sykkuno had no clue how much Corpse's loved that smile.

"What about you?" Corpse asked with genuine curiosity seeping in.

"Oh. Pretty much the same. Funny to think we live so close to each other," Sykkuno smiled at him. Quickly he covered his mouth and let a giggle slip by.

Corpse tried to give him an equally warm smile but knew it didn't work. Nothing could be more beautiful than Sykkunos smile. Corpse was heavily convinced of this.

Sykkuno on the other hand was dying. In his mind he was seeing one of his best friends smile at him. The smile that no one else could see but him. This just made Sykkuno smile wider.

The boys sat there for a while waiting for one of them to get bored and leave. Finally they looked at the time and saw that it was past 5. In the cool crisp winter air it was dark outside.

"We should head home," Corpse said sadly.

"Yeah we should," Sykkuno replied with a small whimper.

Corpse gave him a questioning look that was answered by Sykkuno's stare into the dark.

"How about you stay with me for the night? Its dark and I don't want you hurt," Corpse said with worry lacing his every word.

"I would really like that."

Both boys started walking to the house when a light sprinkle of snow came down in small flurries. Sykkuno and Corpse started walking faster until they got inside.

Sykkuno looked at his snow covered clothes and cringed at the freezing feeling.

"Corpse do you have anything I could wear?" Sykkuno asked.

Corpse gave a small nod and threw a random grey shirt and sweatpants. He quickly added a green hoodie.

Corpse quickly changed in his room while Sykkuno changed in the bathroom.

When they finally met up in the living room Corpse could have sworn his heart stopped. Sykkuno looked adorable in the overgrown clothes. He was clearly tired as he rubbed his eyes.

Sykkuno could have sworn the same thing. Corpse looked amazing. His eyes sparkled in the living room light. The clothes didn't fit him tightly but they weren't super loose either giving Sykkuno a perfect view. Corpse wasn't out of shape in the slightest.

"I'm really tired," Sykkuno whispered while sitting on time couch.

Corpse quickly rushed off to get covers and came back to a soundly sleeping Sykkuno. He threw the cover over him and checked under it. He didn't care about how it might be awkward in the morning all that mattered was the moment.

Finally Corpse accepted it. He was always gonna deal with these random encounters.

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