Setbacks pt.2

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He really hadn't been breathing. When they rushed him to the hospital they figured he was going to die. Toast and Rae were the only ones already there. Everyone else was speeding as fast as they could to get there. No one even knew how he was. They didnt know if he was alive. Those thoughts alone were the reason Corpse was scared to go. Sykkuno should have called him. Texted him. Just anything.

Maybe everything would be okay. He would wake up and laugh. He would tell them all that he loved them so much and that he didnt mean to. Rae had texted him saying that they had pumped his stomache before they could do anything else so maybe he was alive. Maybe they revived him.

The thoughts that Sykkuno wouldnt make it were still very much there. No one really knew. Corpse didn't really know. He should have been able to tell something was wrong. He should have been there for him. What was wrong with him. The message Sykkuno had sent him before all of this played through his mind on repeat. 'You wont have to deal with it. It wont be you dealing with me over and over. You'll be happy. I'll be happy to. Bye Corpse I'll miss you'. Years stung at Corpse's eyes as he walked into the hospital. He really wanted to be there for Sykkuno. He needed to.

"Corpse over here!" Rae had shouted at him. Corpse quickly rushed over to them seeing the solemn look on there faces. Fear and sadness etched into everyone there. They were all worried. Not just Corpse.

Seeing how many of them there were he felt a little better. It wouldnt just be Toast Rae and him. Now they had Lily Ludwig and Jack who had been on a trip visiting someone.

"Is he okay?" Corpse couldn't help but asl the question. He would get a reply wouldnt he. They would tell him of course. That this would all be some joke. It would be funny. He shouldnt have wanted that so bad though. He knew Sykkuno wasnt okay.

"Don't know. Doctors say we can't see him. Pretty sure that means he's alive though," Toast said while pulling Rae just a little closer. It wasnt anything romantic just a show that he was there. Rae was the one who found him. That thought made Corpse want to cringe. Was Rae okay?

"Hello you're all here for Sykkuno, correct?" A doctor asked while walking up to us.

Rae immediately stood up. "Yes sir we are."

"Hes in critical condition. We had to revive him twice. We pumped his stomache as well. Right now hes breathing on his own but he's quite fragile. You can see him if he wants visitors."

Corpse noticed that Rae had tears streaming down her face. She was relieved though. Corpse hadn't noticed his own rushing down his cheeks. He was okay. That's all that mattered. Immediately they all followed after the doctor who had given them the news.

When they stopped at the door everyone was scared to go in. What would they say? What could they say? Corpse was positive that Sykkuno needed them though. He needed his friends. He needed to be surrounded by the people who love him. The ones who sped to the hospital just to be there. Jack and Lily were the first ones through the door into the room. Next was Ludwig. Then Rae and Toast. Lastly Corpse followed in.

Everyone just stood there for a second. Maybe it was the fact that Sykkuno looked so pale. His black hair was sticking to his forehead. His eyes widened when they all came in. What was Corpse supposed to do.

"Guys you came. That's wild." His voice clearly broke the silence leaving Rae in tears. Maybe she was like Corpse and still had doubt that he was okay. Maybe they all thought that because soon after Rae cried they were all a sobbing mess with broken voices and tear stained cheeks.

"Dont cry guys. I dont like when you cry," Sykkuno rushed out. He immediately tried to get our of the bed to see if they were okay only to flinch when he felt the cords pull against his body.

"Guys can I have a moment alone with Corpse?" Sykkuno asked.

Everyone slowly began to leave and genuinely Corpse almost wanted to follow. He wasnt sure what Sykkuno was about to say. He wasnt sure if he was going to tell him he never wanted to see him again or if it was the opposite. What ever it was he still felt a warm feeling in his body. This was for real. Sykkuno was alive. He was in front of him breathing. He was still there.

"I'm sorry I out you through so much." Sykkuno's voice broke the silence. Corpse was confused now. Sure Sykkuno had scared him but he was genuinely just glad to see him alive and breathing.

"Sykkuno I'm just glad you're okay. I was so worried when I called Rae. I dodnt want to lose you. Your the best friend I've ever had. Honestly you mean so much more to me than that. I love you. You know this."

"Rae sent me the message of you saying you were done with me." His voice cracked and he felt warm tears fall down his face. "I thought you hated me. That was just another big problem you had to deal with. I didnt want to just be a problem."

"So this was all my fault. You felt like you had to do this so that I was happy?" Corpse asked, Sykkuno nodded his head and tears fell onto his clenched hands. "Kuno I never want to lose you. I didn't mean all of what I said. I was worried that I wasnt helping you. I was stressed because I felt so helpless, like I couldnt do anything. But I never want to lose you. I love you."

"I love you to and trust me you do so much more than you think. You always make me feel better. When I talk to you I feel like I'm up on the clouds. Like no one can touch me. I love how you say my name or the way that you say I love you. I love that your comfortable enough with me to say weird things. I love you. I really really love you."

Corpse didnt know when he had gotten closer to Sykkuno but he quickly dipped his head and pressed a soft kiss the others lips. This was what they needed. It wasn't one or the other. It was them. It would always be them.

Sykkuno x corpse OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now