Chapter 5

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 Ms. Higurashi asked, "Grandpa, is Kagome's story true? And why didn't Y/n say anything?" Grandpa nodded. Sota slam his hands on the table yelled, "'Course it's true! A ghost appeared from inside the well...and kidnapped Kagome! and Y/n!" Grandpa said, "As the legend of our shrine goes... There is something in the "bone-devouring well" that takes the corpses of evil spirits and makes them disappear somewhere. And if this "somewhere" is in the time dimension... Well, must do something" Grandpa went to the well and close the well put many seals on it.When grandpa came back told kagome the new she asked, "Huh? Seal." Grandpa said, "With written wards to keep evil spirits away and seal off the entry to the netherworld. The well will never be open again."

The shoji door slid open revealing Y/n. Kagome asked, "What are you wearing? And you shouldn't be wearing shoes inside!" Y/n look at her and then said, "1. am wearing clothes 2. I know 3.These are new 4. Am going out so bye!" before she left sota came running yelled, "SIS!!" y/n turn around but fell down when someone fell on her. Y/n groan open her eyes to see sota who was looking at her. Sota said, " Sis where are you going? You said you were going to tell me what happen." Y/n sigh 'Damn I forgot about that.' then said, "I forgot sota sorry well then change of plans first can you be so kind and get off me secondly grad some blankets so we can use those to lay on and cover ourselves lastly some snacks. Ok?" Sota nodded quickly got off then ran to get the stuff. Y/n stood up the walk to where her grandpa and twin are at and sat down yawning. Kagome said, "Go take off your shoes and get a pair of slippers!" Y/n said, "To far away. Am good right here." Then an argument started with both twins cause Kagome won't stop say 'TAKE THEM OFF!'

Imagine that you don't have the red cloak and the weapon.

*With Inuyasha!*

Inuyasha ran, ran, ran through the forest he stopped then started to sniff the ground. Inuyasha said, "No mistake the smell of those girls..." He stood up walked towards the well that is a few feet away. When Inuyasha came towards the well he notice the cloths of one of the girls he talk out loud saying, "Why did one of them leave their cloths... Damn! They really did go home..." Inuyasha jumped in the well yelled, "In here!"

*Back with chu*

Y/n told sota everything that happen when they were gone sota was amazed but then he left to go talk to grandpa. Ms. Higurashi yelled, "Y/n, Kagome it's dinner time and Yuka is on the phone kagome!" All three of them yelled, "OKAY!" Sota asked, "Will the seals on the ever come off?" Grandpa said, "Never, each seal contains powerful words of magic that can't be broken. No matter what kind of evil spirit, it will be impossible." Both twins quickly went to the table Kagome said, "It's a hot pot for dinner!" Kagome and grandpa said, "So you can rest assured, Kagome, Y/n/Hot pot! Hot pot! Hot pot!" Sota turn to grandpa said, "I don't think they heard you."

In the hall a pair of feet walked angrily down the hall both sisters said, "Let's dig in!!" The door suddenly open revealing inuyasha. Everyone in the room stare at inuyasha Kagome said, "Huh... Inuyasha?" Inuyasha angrily said, "You... Who said you both can go home?!!" Kagome asked, "You... Where'd you come from?" Inuyasha angrily said, "The well! Where else?" Kagome said, "The well? But it's..." Grandpa interrupted kagome by slamming his hands on the table and yelled, "Do not lie! Whose wards have been used on this shrine since ancient times... and cannot fail!"

Inuyasha hold up a paper between his fingers and said, "I hate to break it to you old man but they don't work." Grandpa cried sota turned and said, "Gramps!" Y/n was eating the whole time the said, "Pay up! I told you it wouldn't work." Sota, Kagome, Ms. Higurashi sigh then handed money to Y/n who just smirk. Then Inuyasha pulled Y/n and kagome out of their seats and said, "Now come with me!" kagome yelled, "Wa-wait! I don't want to go!" Ms. Higurashi yelled, "Wait just a minute!" Inuyasha yelled, "What?!"

Ms. Higurashi went towards him then touch his ears and asked, "Your ears... Are they real?" Sota came up asked, "Lemme try, too!" Kagome said, "Mom, this is no time for that... Although I did the same thing." Y/n said, "Inuyasha... You have a strand of hair." Inuyasha turn to Y/n then his solder said, "I don't see it." Y/n grad the hair before kagome then the hair on Y/n hand moved and her hand start to bleed. Grandpa said, "Y/n.... There's blood..." Ms. Higurashi said, "What happen?"

Kagome said, "This..." Inuyasha couldn't help me be slightly mad that Y/n got hurt both twins looked at each other than ran outside headed towards the well. The twins open the door that led to the well, saw big black hairs Kagome yelled, "More strands...are coming out!" Inuyasha said, "That old crone was right. You both have the vision at least." Kagome angrily yelled, "You brought something awful with you!!" Y/n hit kagome in the head and said, "How was he supposed to know if he can't see the hair kagome."

Then they heard grandpa yelled, "Kagome! Y/n!" Sota yelled, "Sis! Kagome!" Y/n shut the door but before she did that she yelled, "We are kinda busy at the moment! We will come to you in a few minutes or so!" The hairs headed straight to kagome and Y/n then moved to inuyasha. Y/n yelled, "Inuyasha in front of you!" when inuyasha was going to strike the hairs move away inuyasha ears twitched jumped before the hairs behind him got to him. Then the hairs hold on his legs then one of his arms.

Outside grandpa yelled, "Open up, Kagome! Y/n!" Ms. Higurashi yelled, "Kagome! Y/n!" Inuyasha was able to cut the hairs Kagome said, "It gathers together again, even when it's cut. There's no end to this!" Y/n yelled, "I SAID WE ARE BUSY! AT THE MOMENT! We will come to you in a few minutes! OK!!" Then hairs went towards inuyasha. Y/n said, "Kagome you stay here I will be right back." When Y/n ran down inuyasha came towards her. Y/n said, "Inuyasha, it's this one! Cut this strand." Inuyasha turn and tried to cut it then asked, "This? Where?"

Y/n grabbed the strand of hair making sure inuyasha sees it inuyasha said, "I see it!" He then cut the hair and the other hairs loosen. The hairs suddenly disappeared inuyasha said, "It retreated." Y/n and kagome said, "Inuyasha, let's return!" Inuyasha said, "Wow... That was a quick change of mind." Kagome came towards y/n and inuyasha the said, "I don't really want to go." Y/n said, "But we have to go to help and get the shards of the jewels." Both twins felt something on their head kagome had a red robe on her while Y/n had a and it matched her outfit.

Inuyasha who wasn't face them said, "Those were woven with the fur of the fire rat. It's much stronger than an ordinary armor." Kagome said, "Th-thank you." Y/n said, "Thanks inuyasha." Inuyasha who blush then quickly fade away said, "Well, 'cus... You both look you have really weird skin." Kagome yelled, "You're the weird one!" Y/n couldn't help but giggle. Inuyasha said, "Oh whatever you both ready?" Both twins walk towards inuyasha kagome on his left Y/n on his right. Then they jumped in the well.

*With Yura*

Yura lad down on a pile of human heads with her hand behind his back then said, "They should be returning soon." Then she grab a red skeleton head and said, "This time, I'll give them a big reception..." Then rubbed the skeleton head and laughing.

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