Chapter 1

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This is going to be you outfit I don't know if it was a Monday that they went to the feudal era so am going to make it Monday. I'm sorry if you don't like the outfit you can change it a bit but the sunglasses are going to stay and the t-shirt other stuff you can change like the shorts and shoes. Also my grammar and explanation may be bad but I try my best to do my best also you have advance electronics and the clothes may all be the same color am sorry for that you can change the color of the outfit and make a few changes also the pictures do not belong to be they belong to their right full owner. Am sorry for updating late I wrote this on paper first then I had to type it. Now on to the chapter.

 Y/n Pov :


I slam my hand on my alarm clock lazily got out of bed. I stretch my body head towards the bathroom turn on the lights on walked in face the mirror turn on the water of then sink splash water on my face to get some of the sleepiness off. I grab the towel dry my face making sure I have no more water left on my face I put the towel away. I reached for my tooth paste and toothbrush and brush my teeth when I was done brushing my teeth. I went to my walk-in closet I grab a white shirt that say 'IT'S MONDAY ☹️' a pair of rip jeans(?), a jacket that's red and black, a pair of white socks, sunglasses, and heel boots(?), Lastly my bag and headphones that Alex gave me (BTW in your bag you can fit anything like the one in harry potter). I was about to leave my room when I remember that I have to brush my hair.

*Time skip when your done brushing your hair*

I finish brushing my hair I open the door walk out and close it heading down stair while making sure I have everything with me.

Phone ✔️

School books ✔️

Snacks ✔️

Yuki ✔️

Candy ✔️

Magic Looking Pills ✔️

Cars & Motorcycle Keys ✔️

Clothes ✔️

Skateboard ✔️

Motorcycle ✔️

Electronics ✔️

Pillow ✔️

Blanket ✔️

Manga ✔️

TV ✔️

Instrument ✔️

Car ✔️

Sebastian ✔️

I walk to the door when I saw my twin sister Kagome standing near the door about to leave when she spotted me. Kagome looked at me up and down and asked, "Hey sister why aren't you were your uniform? And you better not say 'I didn't feel like wearing it'." I sigh and said, "You know kagome at Bright Wonder Woods we don't have to wear our uniforms just have to wear them a least once or twice a week." Kagome said, "Am pretty sure you made that up just so you don't have to wear the school uniform." I gave my twin 'are you stupid or something?' look. Kagome rudely said, "Just because you got into Bright Wonder Wood doesn't mean your smart!" 

I said, "Well kagome have you forgotten that in every class and subject I had I passes them with flying colors even the principle called that I been doing great am should start junior high already when I was freaking 8 years old. I was going skipping about 5 years to go to junior high but I said no since am leaving you behind and your going to be lonely." 

Kagome Pov :

I was shocked so that's the reason why she didn't take the offer to go to junior high I always thought she took pity of me not being smart as her or that I was going to be able to ever reach up to her level. I felt mad, jealous that she was pretty as hell she got the looks even tho we are twins she was far by the pretties out of us two y/n smarter then me. I took the exam to get into Bright Wonder Woods I study so hard to get into the best school she didn't even study one bit yet passed like always. I know she's smart and all but she a least had to study a bit before the exams happen but not once did she study it has to be impossible but when I remember she's already ready for anything that comes her way. I

then said, "Am sorry it's just I always been jealous of you that now I realize you have been their for me!" I bow really low then I felt a hand on my head I looked up and saw y/n smile and said, "Kagome it's alright to feel that way but try for it not to get over bored when your mad or jealous OK? Cause then you might regret getting mad or jealous at someone about something that you shouldn't get involved in OK? Now then we should start heading to school you know." 

3rd POV : 

Kagome nodded then both twins walked out of the house closed the door they jogged when they notice sato. Both twins stopped jogging Kagome said, "What are you" Sato turn around and quickly said, "Nothing." Kagome said, "Your not supposed to play in their." Sato said, "Am not it's the cat." 

Kagome said, "He went down the well?" Sato said, "Buyooo I don't know where else he can be." While sato being on all four on the ground the twin walked in the well. Kagome crouch down next to Sato while y/n just stand watching them. Kagome plainly said, "So go down." Sato looked scared and said, "But why do I have to be the one?" Scratching sounds were heard sato scream and went behind Y/n while holding onto her leg and yelled, "SOMETHING'S DOWN THEIR!"

Kagome turn to Sato and said, "Yeah the cat." Y/n just sigh watching the scene in front of her. Y/n patted sato head sato head and said, " Don't worry sato I'll get buyo." He left go of Y/n leg and smile Kagome did a 'tch' sound while going down with y/n. When they were almost down they heard noises like scratching inside the well. Kagome thought 'That sound is it coming from inside the well?" Y/n thought 'Must be the cat or something inside the well we might not want to see..... Wait I swear to God if that shit opens and something pulls us in that damn well am going to call an exorcist so this voodoo magic stops or but some holy water in the well saying 'BE GONE DEMON!' oh well let's go get the holy water then.

A click was heard and screams from Kagome and Sato while Y/n stay calm looked down and saw buyo. Sato fell and said, "Buyo." While the cat rubbed against y/n and kagome and buyo purring. Kagome picked up buyo while sato mockingly said to Kagome, "You make fun of me cause am all scared then your all Ahh!! Ahh!! Ahh!!" Kagome turn around with a mad face and said, "Look who's talking Mr. Why do I have to go." Y

n notice his eyes moving to a different direction she follow his gaze and it was the well it was making a noise inside and a light her eyes widen and thought 'Should call an exorcist soon'  then turn back to Kagome and saw she didn't even notice and y/n turn her to face sato. Y/n was about to say something when the well shine with a blue light stand up and said, "Y/n, Kagome behind you." The wells seal broke and a gust of wind came making y/n and kagome hair move all over their faces and the wind looking hands grab Y/n and kagome.

Pulled both twins inside the well while Kagome drop buyo. Sato watch in shocked sato step forward and said, "What's going on?" Y/n thought 'I knew it!'. A creature with 6 arms turn Y/n and kagome around to see a woman with pale eyes weird looking eyebrows, long black hair and red lips. 

(A/n hope you enjoy the chapter am working on chapter 2. It the same like how I wrote it on quotev and if you watch me to add the actual pictures on a new chapter like how your headphones look like or anything thing. Bye hope you have a wonderful day or if it morning good morning or good night well now bye.)

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