Special Chapter

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(This chapter is were all the characters know each other and get along sorta. This is the first time I write this kind of chapters and I hope you enjoy!)

Y/n Pov

Everyone has been acting strange lately I wonder why? At the same time I feel like it's a important day for some reason. I walked to Sango and asked, "Hey Sango! What you doing?" Sango said, "Umm nothing much! You see am sorta busy. I have to go talk to u later!" with that she went running away I pouted then went to take a walk around the forest when rin came running towards me with Yuki and Sebastian. Rin yelled, "Lady Y/n!!" while waving I waved and asked, "Yes rin?" Rin asked, "I was wondering if we can go walk around the forest together while also looking for flowers!" I smiled and said, "Of course rin also you did ask sesshomaru right?" Rin happily said, "Lord sesshomaru said I can go." I said, "Well then shall we go then." Rin nodded and we all started to walk towards the forest.

3rd Pov

Sango said, "We got lucky rin is able to keep her distracted for now. We better hurry and get everything prepared before the come back." Inuyasha angrily said, "And why does THEY have to be here?!!" Kagome said, "Cause Inuyasha they are our friends and have a right to be here in this special day and you better behave Inuyasha. I don't want this day to get ruined because you can't behave." Inuyasha yelled, "Well I wouldn't be like this if they aren't here!" Miroku said, "Now, now we have work to do the more time we waste the less time we have to get everything ready." With that they both stop arguing and they got to work.

*Time skip and with you*

3rd Pov

As they walk around rin asked, "Lady Y/n if you can wish for anything what would it be?" Y/n, Yuki and Sebastian were surprised by this. Y/n said, "Mhn... Am not really sure since I already have what I wish for." Rin asked, "What would that be?" Y/n smiled look up in the sky then said, "It's that am with the people I care about." Rin smiled and asked, "Am I one of those people lady Y/n?" Y/n looked down said, "Of course you are Rin." Sebastian said, "Well then we should get going." Y/n nodded. Rin said, "Can't we stay a little longer?" Y/n said, "Next time rin, we don't want sesshomaru to worry now do we?" Rin said, "Ok." As they headed back they didn't notice someone watching them.

When they got near the village rin said, "Yuki and I have to go lady Y/n!" before Y/n could say anything they already headed off Sebastian said, "There is no need to worry m'lady. Yuki would be there to protect if anything happens." Y/n nodded said, "Well then shall we continue heading back." Sebastian nodded then held his hand out for Y/n to take. Y/n smiled gladly took his hand and they continue the way back to the village. When they walk in kaede's house they see that no one is inside Sebastian walked towards a something he grad it then turned around walk towards Y/n and handed it to her.

Y/n confused about what was inside the box open it and saw . Y/n was shocked then said, "You didn't have to get me this Sebastian...." Sebastian put one of his fingers on her lips to silence her and said, "I would be most sad if you didn't wear it or accept it." Y/n nodded then Sebastian left for Y/n to change. Y/n couldn't help but blush then quickly snap out of it and started to change not wanting Sebastian to wait to long.

*Time skip when your done*

Still 3rd Pov

When Y/n headed out Sebastian was stunned by her beauty then said, "tu as l'air fabuleuse mademoiselle Y/n." when he said that he (Somehow) kissed y/n hand. Y/n giggled said, "Pourquoi merci monsieur Sebastian." Sebastian said, "Shall we go?" Y/n confused asked, "Heading where?" Sebastian smile and said, "You will see, follow me mademoiselle." Y/n nodded.

*Time skip when you got near the place*

As they were nearby Sebastian covered Y/n eyes, she was surprised by this before she can ask why he cover her eye sebastian said, "Don't worry I just don't want you to see it till we get there." Y/n nodded and let herself be guide towards were they are heading. As they walked for a few minutes sebastian took his hand off then sudden the heard "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!" Y/n was shocked/surprise to see everyone notice there was a sign saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' tables, chair, food, cake, presents.

They all came up to her and sung happy birthday y/n was so happy and blow out her candies everyone cheered. Everyone having a good time y/n smile during this and notice someone was behind her she turn around and saw sesshomaru. Y/n was surprised by this sesshomaru had a bag with him and handed it to y/n. Y/n gladly took it and said, "Thank you sesshomaru." Sesshomaru nodded before he can walk away he felt something warm and soft on his cheek and notice it was y/n who kisses him on her cheek. He was surprise by this though quickly went back to normal once y/n pull away but then all of a sudden pull her into a kiss Y/n with widen eyes and shocked face but then quickly melted into the kiss. Let's say this didn't go without notice by the others some were cheering while other just glared.

(The dress doesn't have to be same design or color.)

(AM finally done! this was supposed to be a special  chapter on august 5th cause it was my birthday that day but I couldn't update during that time due to some trouble with wattpad so yeah enjoy)

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(AM finally done! this was supposed to be a special  chapter on august 5th cause it was my birthday that day but I couldn't update during that time due to some trouble with wattpad so yeah enjoy)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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