First Announcement

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Sam: Steve represented the best in all of us. Courageous, righteous, hopeful. And he masted posing stoically. 

Everyone chuckles.

Sam: The world has been forever changed. A few months ago, billions of people reappeared after 5 years away, sending the world into turmoil. We need new heroes. Ones suited for the times we're in.

Sam pauses. Rhodey and I exchange looks then our attention is brought back to Sam once he starts speaking again.

Sam: Symbols... are nothing without the women and men who that give them meaning. And this thing...- I don't know if there's ever been a greater symbol.

Sam says while picking up the shield and camera lights flash. Rhodey and I look at Sam with a concerned expression.

Sam: But It's more than the man who propped it up, and he's gone. So, today we honor Steve's legacy. But also, we look to the future.

Knowing what is going to happen Rohdey and I look at the carpet underneath our feet.

Sam: So, thank you, Captain America. But this belongs to you.

People clap, while the shield gets put into a glass compartment. The man thanks Sam for coming forward with the shield and says 'It was the right decision.' Now only you, Rhodey, and Sam are standing.

Rhodey: Take a walk?

Sam: Sure.

They both turn around when Rhodey faces you.

Rhodey: You too pumpkin.

You: Umm, no, no you two go I'll see you soon.

Sam: We are not in a million years leaving you with these interviewer freaks, come on.

You give in and walking in between Sam and Rhodey

Sam: I've been at home. My sister and my nephews, man. When I left they were babies. Now I come back and they're little men. And you, Y/n have grown so much since the last time I saw you. It's crazy y'know?

Rhodey: Yeah. Well, you should bring them out to D.C sometime. I'll teach 'em how to fly. Y'know the right way.

Sam and you laugh a little.

You: Oh I so want to meet them. 

Sam: Oh Sarah loves you. You're her ideal, too many people actually.

You: How?

Sam: You have proven that it is possible to go to the good side after doing evil.

Rhodey: Yeah, both you and Bucky have-. It's crazy to think no one going to be carryin' the shield.

Sam: Hey, we went for 70 years without anyone carrying that shield when Steve was on the ice. So, I think we'll be alright.

Rhodey: That was a different time, Sam.

You: I see you're going to make me ask. Why didn't you take up the mantle?

Sam: When Steve first told me about the shield, the first word I said was, 'it feels like it belongs to someone else.' Hmm. That someone else is Steve.

Rhodey: Worlds a crazy place right now. People are... Well, nobody's stable. Allies are now enemies. Alliances are torn apart. The word's broken. Everybody's just looking for someone to fix it.

Sam: Yeah.

The three of you are walking through the Captain America exhibit at the time when you all see Steve's shield you walk towards it, which is placed next to his suit. 

Rhodey: It's a new day, brother. I'll be in touch.

And with that, he put his hand on Sam's back and then hugs you goodbye, leaving you and Sam staring at the suit and shield.

Sam: Hey you should meet my sister, Sarah, and nephews, Aj, and Cass. Aj's the oldest and Cass the youngest.

You: Sure, I would be honored.


You and Sam are in the car driving to Sarah's, his sister's place. You're taking in the beautiful sunrise. You turn a corner onto a bridge with food stalls you assume and few people. You see 2 kids taking a tub of seafood you guess, and a middle-aged black woman. When you pull up Sam yells.

Sam: Blue for the snapper, orange for the white fish.

AJ: Uncle Sam!

He says excitedly as Sam opens the car door and hops out. You repeat his actions and walk around next to him with CC your German Shepard.

Sam: What's up?

Sarah: That's right.

Sam: Boys, Sarah this is Y/n Rogers.

Sarah obviously didn't hear because of the distance away she was.

Sarah: Uncle Sam, you're back early.

Sam motions for you to hide behind him and just follow his lead, with CC behind you.

Sarah: What's going on? You have mum's sneaky look on your face.

Sam: How are you gonna try and read me? When I'm the one that reads you. Plus I have a little surprise, meet Y/n Rogers and CC.

Sarah: Oh My God, Hi I'm Sarah and I am your #1. fan. 

You: Nice to meet you, Sarah.

The 2 of you talk for a few minutes and then you both follow Sam to a boat.

Sam: You gotta marvel at it. Baby being held together by duct tape and prayers.

Sarah: It'll be fine it just needs to float long enough for me to sell it

You: It looks great.

Sam: I thought we were gonna discuss if we were selling it.

Sarah: We did. Then you were off fighting doctor space cape or whatever. While I was holding it together for 5 years. Now that the world is going back to normal, this thing gotta go.

Sam: We grew up on this thing. It's not just mum and dad's name on it, Sarah. This thing is a part of our family.

Sarah: You know the situation we're in. This is why I prefer not to dwell on it in front of everybody. I'm so sorry Y/n.

You: It's alright.

Sam: Well, what if we don't have to sell it?

Sarah: Can I talk to you?

Cooper: What's goin' on, big Sam?

Sam: Oh what's goin' on man? I'm tryin' to live like you.

Cooper: You know it. Hey, you're Y/n.

You: Hi.

Carlos: You 2 Off to save the world again? 

Sam: Nah. Come on Carlos I'm around here more than you man, I'm always reppin' NOLA.

Carlos: When you gonna let me borrow the wings man?

Sam: As soon as you give my sister that $100 you borrowed.

Carlos: That's cold. Now loan me, a hot $50.

Sam: Yeah, I'll loan you $50.

You both walk off back to the car and hop in.

You: I love how nice they were.

Sam: What do you mean?

You: I mean they treat me like I see them all the time and they don't fangirl and obsess over me.

Sam: Yeah, they're nice like that.



(I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book.)

- Charlie

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