Second Announcement

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You told Sam you would help with the boat and put in like $10,000. Sam declined, but you ended up bribing him into it.

Sarah: Sam, the boats gotta go

Sam: Wait!

Sarah: No, let me finish. I'm doing everything I can to keep this business afloat. And every day I'm making $5 and spending $10.

Sam: So, why don't you let us help?

Sarah: No don't start with that- wait who's us.

You: I have a few 1000 just sitting there, I need to do something with it.

Sarah: Thank you, for the kind offer Y/n, but we made a deal with daddy before he died. When you guys are out there. I do things my way here.

Sam: Right, but you tangled the house into this when you took those loans.

Sarah punches Sam in the ribs before walking off as I giggle. 

Sam: Hey don't you start bubbles. Wow, I forgot how hard you hit. Sarah!

He yells before walking after her, while you just watch from a distance.

Sam: Look, and don't hit me again. 

You: Sarah, what if you had money to fix it up, make it nice so you can charter it when your not working out the waters?

Sarah: Look Y/n, thank you, for the offer but Sam doesn't know how hard it was for me to come to terms with the situation.

Sam and Sarah continue to argue about the boat situation.

Sarah: To the rescue, huh?

Sam: Always.

You: Whenever you need us.

Sam: Now let's get some dinner. I'm hungry.

-Next Morning-

You wake up and everyone else is serving up some sort of dish.

Sam: Look I know you're worried, all right. But I did the research. I ran the numbers. Mornin' Y/n.

Sarah: Morning Y/n. You sure this is going to work?

You: I know it will.

Sam: And then we can renovate the kitchen. Now, you said you wanted to sell plates on the weekends, right? That's great you can introduce some of grandma's recipes and... Shit, we gotta go.

Sarah: Wait, the appointments in an hour.

Sam: There's no such thing as on time. It's either be early or be late. Pick one.

Sarah: Okay, now you're really doing more than most. Wait, who's going to look after the boys?

You: I will, now you 2 go. 

Sarah: Thank you. Now, boys, I love you and be good for Y/n and no video games.

Aj: Love you, bye.

You: Bye Sam, Bye Sarah.

You hug them both

Sarah and Sam: Bye.

Aj and Cass: Yes, video games 

You: Don't worry both of them will be writing all times tables then resiting them.

Sam chuckles knowing how you are and wouldn't do that, Sarah on the other hand just nodded to the 3 of you. The door slams shut.

You 3, 2, 1. Go, go, go.

You practically push them to the couch.

-Later That Afternoon-

Sam: Y/n come and see this.

You and Sam are watching some footage of Torres, while on facetime with him.

Sam: So this is the leader of the Flagsmashers, huh?

Torres: Yeah real nice guy.

You: I thought you were supposed to be monitoring them online.

Torres: I was. I did. But you know sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty, or a broken orbital.

You and Sam chuckle.

You: Your lucky that's all you got. 

Sam: He's strong.

Torres: He was. I mean, bro, they went dark as soon as it was all over. But that's there M.O. We just gotta keep our eyes and ears to the ground until they pop up again.

You: Anything else happen outside the video?

Torres: No, man. My face was in the dirt before I knew what was going on. Why? What are you thinking?

You: Nothin'.

Torres: Wait. You don't think he could be a...

Sam: Look, I'll circle back to you. Let's just keep this between us 3, okay?

Torres and You: All right.

Sarah: Oh My God, Sam, Y/n, you better take a look at this.

News reporter: Unrest, in the wake of recent events has left us vulnerable. Every day American's feels it. While we love heroes who put their lives on the line to defend earth, we also need a hero who can protect this country. We need a real person who embodies America's greatest values, we need someone to inspire us again, someone who can be a symbol for all of us. So, on behalf of the Department of Defence and our Commander-in-Chief, it is with great honor that we announce here today that the United States of America has a new hero. Join me in welcoming the new Captain America.

You can feel tears in your eyes as you see the new Captain America. Sarah comes and hugs you and you hug back as water droplets roll down your face. You look back at the screen and start laughing.

Sam: What's so funny? He's replacing your brother.

You: He's ugly, and you would have been replacing him as well.

Sam: True.


Word Count - 803

(Thank you for reading my book and I hope you're enjoying it.)
- Charlie

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