The Star-Spangled Man

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You, Sam, and Sarah were all watching the news. You only heard little snippets of things, but you heard something you thought would never be said.

Walker: Even though I never met him, he feels like a brother to me.

Sam and Sarah both looked at me.

You: Steve is not your brother he's mine, and if I- no when I meet you, you're going to regret that.

You started blabbering on about what he said. The next day you and Sam went to an army place or something, this was Sam's army Homebase thingy before the incident with Rieley, his best friend.

Torres: Seems like a good guy. You met him.

Sam: No

You: No, but when I do his foot will be right up his ass.

Sam: Thanks for doing this on such short notice.

Torres: Yeah. No sweat. I'm just finishing up the checklist. You'll be all good to go once you land in Munich.

You, Sam, and Torres are walking down the stairs with you and Sam holding duffel bags. Even before you are finished walking down the stairs Bucky speaks.

Bucky: Shouldn't have given up the shield.

Sam: Good to see you too, Buck.

You and Sam walk past Bucky as he speaks.

Bucky: This is wrong.

Sam: Hey, hey we're working alright? So all this outrage is gonna have to wait.

Bucky: You didn't know that was going to happen.

Sam: No, of course, I didn't know it was going to happen, because if I did I would be in the hospital bed with severe injuries. Don't you think it broke our hearts to see them march him out there? And call him the new Captain America.

Bucky: This isn't what Steve wanted.

You: Oh my god, so, what do you want us to do, call America up and tell 'em I changed my mind? Huh? Ha yeah, right. It's a great reunion buddy, be well.

Bucky: He had no right to give up the shield and you know it Y/n.

Sam: Hey, this is what you're not going to do. You're not gonna come here in your overextended life and tell me about my rights. It's over Bucky. Besides, we have bigger things to deal with now.

Bucky: What could be bigger than this?

Sam: This guy. His connections with rebel organizations all over Eastern and Central Europe, and he's strong. Too strong.

Bucky: And?

You: Well, he's been connected to this online group called the Flag Smashers. Now, Redwing traced them down to a building outside of Munich. So that's where we're going.

Bucky: Well, I don't trust Redwing.

He says while Sam and I walk away.

Bucky: Hold on a minute.

Sam: You don't have to trust Redwing, but we're gonna see if he's right. 'Cause I have a feeling they might be a part of the big 3.

Bucky: What big 3?

Sam: The big 3.

Bucky: What big 3?

Sam: Aliens, Androids, and Wizards.

You: Sam, that's not a thing.

Sam: That's definitely a thing.

Bucky: No, it's not.

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