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I wake up in a hospital bed.

"Shit!" I think out loud not caring if anyone hears me.

"Hey, you're awake." A guy says from the chair beside my bed. I look out the window behind him and figure it's about noon time. Then I look back at him.

"Who the hell.... Who are you!? Why am I here!? Who ARE YOU!? NURSE!!!!!" I yell and press the buzzer about a million times. A nurse comes running into the room.

"What's wrong!?" She asks.

"Who is this!? Why am I here!? I don't want to be here! I want to be DEAD!" I yell, tears start falling from my eyes.

"Cameron, I'm Nurse Kane. This young man right here, well he saved you. Now may I ask you,"

"Excuse me, but wait right there!" I say interrupting nurse Kane. "What's your name!?" I yell at the guy, who I may say, is fairly attractive.

"I'm Anthony." The cute guy admits.

"Okay, Anthony, where did you find me! Why did you just feel the need to bring me to the fucking hospital. AND WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BAG!?" I yell searching the room for my black and pink under armor gym bag.

"Cam," nurse Kane says. "please, calm down. You're bag is with us. And Mr. Anthony here was just trying to save you. You could've,"

"Let him talk!" I say, pointing to the cute, tall, dark brown haired, big brown Bambi eyed, boy who's name I learned is Anthony.

"Listen, okay," he starts off. His voice is so beautiful. "I found you just laying on the sidewalk. You were freezing cold. I looked through you're bag to find a phone or drivers license, or any form of ID."

"WAIT!" I yell, very loudly actually. "YOU!" I yell pointing at him "WENT THROUGH MY BAG!?"

"Obviously for a good purpose. So yes I did. I saved you! Okay?!"


"Listen, Cameron," nurse Kane butts into our yelling match. "Anthony here, he saved your life, and"

"OH! MY! GOD! CAN YOU TWO NOT UNDERSTAND THE FACT THAT I WANTED TO DIE! I WAS ON MY WAY TO KILL MYSELF! DAMMIT!" I yell and look over at Anthony. Tears start to brim his eyes and he tries blinking them away. "What... What's wrong with you... Listen I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please don't cry." I say to Anthony, suddenly feeling a pinch of guilt.

"You're just so beautiful." Anthony says. Finally allowing the tears to fall. "Do you not remember me? At all?"

"What do you mean... I never knew you." I say. Where would I even know him from?
"Cam... We went to school together. We had classes together in 10th grade, but I moved in 11th to a different school. Do you not remember me?" He was still crying. I did remember him though.

"Wait.... Really? Anthony? Oh my god! Its you! I've missed you so much! I'm sorry. If I would've known I wouldn't have been such a bitch."

"Hey, I would be too if I were in your place." He actually laughed a bit and finally all the feelings I once had for him came back like a tsunami wave.

"Okay, this time you need to listen to me." Nurse Kane said. She was getting a little irritated now. "We need to get ahold of your parents. Could you tell me their information please?"

"Yea, sure. Their names are Emily and Michael, they live up in the cemetery that's over the hill and their occupations are dead, and deceased. Any other information?" I said with a small smile. "My parents died in a car accident last winter. They slid on a patch of black ice and smashed into a tree."

"Oh. I'm sorry. Do you have a legal guardian?" She asked.

"Yes, myself. I am nineteen after all." I say "I mean I know I'm short for my age, but you think you would have that on file." I'm 19 years old and I'm only 5' 1", the same height I've been since the ninth grade when I was 14 years old.

"Okay, Cam. Well you can go home as soon as I come back." Nurse Kane says and walks out of the small hospital room.

"Cam..." Anthony begins.

"Listen, Anthony, I understand what you were trying to do, but why couldn't you leave me to die there?"

"I knew who you were as soon as I looked at you more carefully after not finding anything in your bag. I couldn't leave you there. You would've froze to death or someone would've picked you up and took you somewhere to possibly harm you."

"So...?" I was still confused. Yeah we were kind of friends in tenth grade, but he never really cared about me more than a few words spoken to me each day.

"Can, I couldn't believe you would do that to yourself. I always thought you were so beautiful. And I liked you. HELL scratch that! I STILL like you!"

Dammit how could he do this to me. I'm supposed to be dead!

Hey guys, so I know this part was a little cliché, and a little weird, and there was a LOT of swearing. That's kinda how Cam is though, she swears a lot. But, this was a longer chapter and all the chapters from here on out will probably be this long. And thanks for reading guys, it means a lot to me actually. If you guys are enjoying it, maybe leave a comment :) it will get better, I promise.
Stay beautiful.
~love, Jacqi~

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