Chapter 51

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Vedant's wait was over. One of his wishes came true as he had been asking for it for a long time. As Sunday came, he did not wait a moment to drag his mother to a nearby park. He wanted to play. Play a lot like his age of kids used to do. 

This time Anuradha did not hold back herself to come with her son which she rarely does. It was always her mother; Avantika used to take him out, only if he showed his tantrums. Today she shoved away her uneasiness around the crowd and went out with her son that gave her a new found happiness. While watching Vedant play along with other kids, she realized her mistake of forbidding her son's happiness. 

Anuradha did not like her son getting into trouble, so she always kept him under her wings. Due to her fear of Vedant might be turned out to be like his father; Rakshit who was an infamous bad boy, that's why she kept him under her gaze. Sometimes she had even forgotten that he was a child and he wanted to play and make friends with other kids. Though he was a little naughty kid, it did not mean he had no right to enjoy his childhood. And that's what she had been doing for a while, and right now she regrets it. She made a mental note that she would take him often here.

Vedant ran towards her suddenly stopping playing with his new friends which he found here. He jumped on her lap without giving a notice that made her stumble. 

"Ma, when are we going to papa's home? Is it big like that home where you used to work?" The question popped into his little head while he was playing that made him run into her arms. 

"What?" Anuradha was taken aback by his question. "What did you just say?" She could guess he was going to ask something which would make her angry, nevertheless she wanted to know. 

"I was asking about you when we were going to Papa's home." Vedant was enthusiastic today as his mother had taken him to the park and let him play, so he thought it was the right time to ask. 

Anuradha pulled a little back to see his face and asked, "Who told you these things? We are not going anywhere. And one more thing, you have no papa. You have only Ma, and that's me. You get it?" She had decided before that she would not scold him today by seeing his smiling face, but this boy was no help. 

Vedant jumped off her lap and faced her straight. "No, ma. I have a papa and his name is Rakshit Randhawa. And you know Ma, he loves me a lot and he loves you too..." He smiled widely. This boy was really affectionate towards his father. 

"Vedant! Shut your mouth!" Anuradha stood up in anger. Her eyes wandered everywhere to make sure nobody was listening to their conversation. 

She took a deep breath as calming herself before convincing her little son who was looking up to her. "Listen Ved, he is not your papa. Don't call him ever as your papa, because he is lying. He is taking advantage of your little heart, that's why he is putting a lot of lies in your head." 

"No, papa won't lie to me. You are lying. Papa told me that a baby is made by a mother and father together and both mamma and papa are equal. So you are my mamma and he is my papa!" Vedant was getting angry about his mother who was accusing his father for nothing. Why could not she understand his father was a good man?

Anuradha's eyes widened in utter shock hearing him out. "Oh my god! What he has taught to my innocent baby! How dare he do such things to a kid? Sure that evil man has no sense. If I get him in my hands, I will strangle him to death." She wished him to get him in her hands, so that she could teach him a lesson for spoiling her innocent baby's mind. 

As if her wish came true, she heard a male voice not from afar. "Yes, you can do that, Radha." 

"Rakshit?" Anuradha wanted nothing but to break his legs for following them everywhere. 

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