Waking Up Part 1

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Mino woke up in a strange room. She felt fear run threw her as she remembered what had happened.

The door opened and three women walked in.

One was the one who took her. The other two she didnt reconize.

One who looked like she was Jampenines (sp) laid a dress onto the bed. The other one who looked abit like the one who took me, she laid down some matching shoes.

"Okay. Out you two. One of you two go tell the master shes up and will be ready shortly. And one of you go check on everything." The one I've met already said. The other two left.

"My names Nadel. Now. Lets get you ready." Nadel said. Mino backed away farther away till she was pressed aginst the bed frame.

"Get ready for what?" Mino asked. Nadel smiled. "To meet the Master. Of course. Hes been planing this moment for a very long time." Nadel said, pulling Mino out of the bed gently. She undressed her till Mino was in her bra and underware.

Nadel put her in the dress.

"What do you mean by, hes been plaining this for awhile now?" Mino asked.

The vampire sat the young princess down and started on her hair. "All will be explained. Now all finished. Put your shoes on and I'll take you to the master." Nadel said.

Mino put the shoes on.

The two walked threw the hallway.

"Wheres Sam?" Mino asked. "He's safe. Now lets go. The Master hates to wait, and he's waited long enough." Nadel said paitently.

Mino stopped walking.

"And he can wait a little bit longer. Where. Is. Sam?" Mino demanded. Nadel sighed. "I dont know Princess. He will tell you. All I know is that the wolf is safe." Nadel said, then grabbed Mino's arm and continued walking.

They arrived at the door.

Nadel opened the door. "Go on." Nadel said. Mino held her head up high and walked in. Mino jumpped when the door slammed shut.

She gulpped and calmed her heartbeat.

She looked around and her eyes froze on the man she found in the shadows.

Her emerald green eyes narrowed on him.

"You are a true Helsing. Being able to control your heartbeat. Like now. Your heart started beating sooo quickly. Then you calmed it down rather quickly. Its very impressive." Mino could reconize that voice.

It was the voice of the vampire who was in her room that one night. The one who grabbed her and ripped some of her hair out.

"What do you want? She told me you wanted to speak with me spacificly." Mino said bravley. "Do you know who I am Princess?" He asked, still hidden within the shadows.

"Your the vampire who was in my room one night." She answered. "Yes. But. What is my name?" He seemed highly amuzed.

She glared.

"I dont care. I just want to find Sam and go home." She said.

"Samuel will be safe and unharmed if you behaive." The man said. "Well I've been a terrible host. Since you dont know my name. I shall give it to you."

Mino's eyes widdened in fear when the vampire walked into the light.

"I am Count Vlad Dracula." He said with a grin.


(claire and Moneque)

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