Trying To Escape

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Mino reconized him, but she couldnt place where.

She attempted to calm her speedy heart beat. She gripped the doorknob tightly.

He walked to the giant table. Her eyes never left him. She always heard the storys. He pulled out a chair.

"Please. Have a seat. And join me." He said. She shook her head 'no', and saw his jaw tighten in anger. But his 'friendly' smile stayed.

"Dear Princess. It would be very wise if you would listen to me, and not argue with me. I may not harm you. But i WILL hurt your pet wolf." He said.

"Now. Please sit." He ordered.

Mino slowly walked up to him. His anger dissapered. She sat down and allowed him to push her chair in.

She stiffened as she felt the Count lean over her. His icy fingers brushed aginst her pulse. "You have nothing to fear Princess." He said, then went to seat himself.

"I've had my cooks prepare your favorate dishes." He told her quite proudly. "Vampires eat food?" She asked, as he waved people in.

"We dont need to, but my brides enjoy to every now and then." He said. A man sat down the first corse.

"Baked potateo soup. Topped with bacon and green onions." The man said. The Count waved him off. "Enjoy Princess." The Count said.

She just looked at it. Her stumic begging her to eat it.

"Nothing will happen to you if you eat it. It's harmless." He told her as if he could read her mind.

She took a small sip. Then she gave into her hunger and dug in.

Dracula watched her with a smile. She looked so much like her father. And yet. She also looked so much like her mother. A perfect mix of the two.

She would become a beautiful vampire.

She put her spoon down.

"What am I here for?" She asked. He smirked a bit.

"How long have you had that mark on your hand?" He asked. Instictivly she clenched her fished and jaw.

"I've had it since birth. Stop ignoring my question." She demanded. His smirk grew. Making her anger grow even more.

"Have you ever wondered why you have it? Or you everyone treats you different? Like youre a frigile little glass doll?" He asked her.

He knew he had her when he saw her icy glare turned away from him and went to the table. She glared at the new dish.

Pan fride chicken, corn, and a small salad.

"Im the one who gave you that pretty mark." He said, as if it was the most normalest thing in the world. Her head shot up. Her eyes wide.

"Why? Is it a 'hit list'?" She snarled. "Not really. Its a claiming mark." He told her. "A claiming mark?" She hated that she whispered it. She wanted to scream and shout. She wanted to attack him.

"Yes. I've claimed you as my next bride. And now that you're here. We can get you situated." He told her happily.

Mino starred at him as if he grew five extra heads.

She shot out of the chair making it fall over. And she backed away. "You're crazy if you think I'll become one of your brides." She said. He meerly chuckled, as he stood.

She was so amuzing to him.

"There is nothing to fear love." He said, walking up to her. She backed away, and gulped. "Stay away from me." She demanded weakly.

Her back hit the wall. She couldnt get control of her eratic heartbeat and labored breathing.

He raised his arms and pinned them on each side of her. Blocking her in.

"I've waited years for you to be in my arms. I wont let you get away." He said. Tears filled her emeraled green eyes.

She wanted to go home. She wanted Sam to take her far away from this mess and kiss and hold her.

"I refuse to be yours." She seethed. Her cold stony glare returning. "I dont need your approvale. Youre here. In my castle." He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. "In my arms." He purred in her ear.

She raised her foot and slammed it down onto his foot. When he released her, she threw the door open and ran out.

She needed to find Sam, and then they needed to get out of here. She went to a door. It was locked.

She sniffled and blinked away her tears as she backed away from the door. She raised her dress and started kicking the door with all her might.

When it splintered, she used all of her streingth and broke it. She pulled out the biggest splinter of wood out of the door, for protection.

She then ran down the stairs.

She hear growling, somewhere in her soul, she knew it was Sam. She rushed down the stairs. She saw Sam in his wolf form. He was in a cage.

Goblins prodding at him with sharp objects, laughing.

She ran over and shoved them out of her way. They went to attack her. But when the saw her, they stopped. She geussed that they knew she was marked.

They backed away.

She grabbed the keys and unlocked the cage.

Sam jumped over her and landed infront of her protectivly. His hackles up. Snarling and growling at the goblins.

'Not so tough now are you?' She thought seeing them cower away. Sam nudged her and she got ontop of him. She held on tightly to his fur as he ran for it.

Just when the two thought they were safe outsidd. Sam yelped, feeling something stab him. She fell over feeling numb.

Mino grunted when she fell to the ground.

He whimpered in appoligies. He tried to get to her. But he was getting sleepy. Mino, who hit her head when she fell, winced as she gently touched her head.

She could hear the sound of giant wings, and feet coming quickly their way.

She rushed over to Sam.

"Sam come on!" She yelled. He weakly nudged her away. She knew he and his wolf wanted her to run off to safety.

"No! Not without you! Come on! Please get up." She begged. She saw his eyes driffed shut. "Sam? Sam! No Sam! Wake up!" She cried.

But his eyes didnt open.

She saw Count Dracula standing there. She could see his feet, but she didnt look at him. She felt the splinter of wood brush her fingers.

She quickly stood and stabbed it threw his black heart.

He lazily looked down to look at the weapon petruding from his body. She backed away. He sighed and pulled it out of his chest while shaking his head. He threw it away.

"Really child? Did you really think you could hurt me?" He asked. "Do you really think I wouldnt fight back?" She asked mimicking him.

She went to punch him, but he easily grabbed her fist. She tried to get her fist free. She then elped feeling something stab her.

Her legs went numb, making her sag aginst the Count. He chuckled. Her eyes shut, even though she fought her sleepieness.

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