Mino's New Life

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Srry for the long wait. .

Can I just say I luv that pic of Mino  isn't it just pretty. Srry I'm tired. Me being tired makes me silly. But it's true. The girl who plays Mino is a really pretty girl what do yall think???

OK onto the story..


Mino struggled to open her eyes. They were so heavy.

She heard the door open. Then close.

And soon someone was siting beside her on the comfy bed.

"Darling? " a deep voice called. She was finally able to open her eyes.

She saw a man sitting there beside her.

His black hair was in the same ponytail it always was. His dark eyes pierced her and held her gaze.

She smiled.

It was her king.

Her future lover.

Vlad Dracula.

The one who saved her from her neglecting and abusing family.

"There's those beautiful eyes." He purred. She blushed.

He helped her get up.

She held his hand. But something in the back if her mind made her feel something.


She felt like she was betraying someone. She shook her head of those thoughts.

Who on earth would she be betraying?

Other then Dracula  and her three sisters. There was no one in her life.

Her real family hated her. And didn't want her.

Vlad saved her by making her his bride.

She was forever grateful. Right?

Then why did everything feel... so wrong?

Dracula sensed that something was wrong with his young bride to be.

"Something wrong darling?" He asked. She gave him a small smile, and shook her head 'no'.

"Nothing. Just thinking." She said.

She walked to the full length mirror.

She was the vision of innocence and beauty in her white nightgown. Her long brown hair fell in waves  down her back.

She felt him embrace her. Yet. She couldn't see him in the mirror.

She knew it was because he was a vampire.

"I have something for you." He whispered into her ear.


Something was placed around her neck.

She looked and saw it was a beautiful necklace with beautiful emerald jewels.

Her fingers brushed against it, and she then turned to face him.

"It's beautiful. Thank you." She said. "You're welcome beloved." He said.

He stroked her soft hair.

"Come. You must be hungry." The Count said. She nodded and followed him.

They walked to the dinning room.

They sat in silence as she ate.

"Where are my sisters?" She asked. "They are preparing for the sacrifice." He said.

"Scarifice?" She asked. He nodded.

"We have captured a very rare warewolf. His blood will help keep all of our offspring alive." He told her.

"How on earth did you capture a rare warewolf?" She asked.

"He heard that I have chosen you as my next bride, and wanted you dead." He told her.

She stopped eating.

Why did everyone hate her and want her gone?

Tears filled her eyes.

"Beloved? Why the tears?" Vlad asked concerned.

"Why does everyone hate me!? Why is everyone out to kill me!? Have I done something wrong!? Am I that big of a mistake!?" She cried out in anger and pain.


She was standing and her future lover had his arms around her holding her very close to his body.

"Don't ever think that way Darling. Your sisters love you. I adore you. They want you dead so they can hurt me. That's all." He said.

But his words did little to comfort her.

"What about my family?" She asked, holding him back.

"They thought you weak. But you're not. You're such a strong woman. And there is a way to prove that." He said.

She pulled away to look up at him.

"How?" She asked, with a little sniffle.

He smiled and wiped her tears away.

"You perform the sacrifice." He said.

She smiled and nodded.


Well here we go a bit of Mino  x Dracula for yall fans.

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