Sams Pain

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Srry yall this is a short chapter. But I'm working on the next one.

I didn't know what to do next so I came up wit this.

So enjoy.



That was all Sam felt since he's been awake.

He heard the door open. And then footsteps.

He could smell who it was. It was Him.

Sam winced as he sat up.

His once curly hair was matted down onto his skin. His pale skin was slowly heal was slowing healing the cuts and bruises.

Sam glared at the Count, who looked so smug.

"Hello Samuel." The Count greeted. "Where my Princess?" Sam demanded.

"She's perfectly fine. Happy, infact, in being in my arms." The vampire said.

Sam growled in anger.

"She also cannot wait for your sacrifice." Sams eyes widdened.


Not his mate.


"What did you do to her?" Sam shouted.

"I just made her memories a bit different." The Count said, innocently.

Then the Count sneered at the young warewolf.

"She has no memory of you and your pathetic love for her. She hates you. Thinks you was sent to kill her." The Count taunted.

Sam growled threateningly as he glared.

Ignoring his pain.

"Prepare for your death mutt. It'll be done by the hands of the very Princess you love and adore so much."

Sams heart felt like it stopped beating.

Mino was going to kill him!?

"You bastard!" He yelled.

The Count merely chuckled.

Sam saw he was about to leave so he called for him.

"You do know she will never love you. Just a fake love. Only cause of you forcing her to. I will forever be her first and only true love. And I know that kills you inside." Sam said, grinning.

His grin grew when he saw the Counts body shake with anger and growled.

"You can keep torturing me. Kill me if that is what you wish. But you will never break Mino and I's connection. Her heart will forever be truly mine." Sam continued to taunt the Vampire.

"We shall see about that mutt." Dracula growled as he walked away.

Sam slumped back down. No longer able to fight his pain.

He's been here for two days and he's been beaten. Cut and poked by silver. And starved.

But he didn't care. He just cared about Mino.

He needed a way to bring his Mino back.

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