The Mark of Dracula

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"Van. Let's tuck the children in." Anna said. Van Helsing nodded, and followed his beautiful wife to the nursery. They walked to their eldest, Valcen, named after Anna's brother.

He was whimpering in fear. Shaking under his covers.

"Son? What is it?" Anna asked, sitting next to her son on his bed, and stroking his dark hair. "The bad man. He won't leave." The young boy whimpered. They froze. Van and Anna now felt a very familiar evil aura.

"Where is he son?" He asked his son. The four year old raised a shaky hand, and pointed to the other side of the room....

The exact place their four day old baby girl was sleeping.

"What a beautiful family you have Gabriel and Anna." A seductive voice said, with a thick Transylvanian accent.

They turned and instantly froze, seeing Count Dracula himself. Holding their sleeping baby. He had one finger in her tiny pudgy hand.

"She'll grow into a beautiful women... Just like her mother. You haven't changed a bit Anna. Tell me. What are your lovely children's names?" He asked. Tainting them.

"Leave our children alone Count." Anna demanded. He laughed, making Valcen whimper in fear again.

"Their names Anna. That's all i want." The Count said, with fake innocence. "Valcen, and Mino." Van said, seething. He knew he couldn't attack other vampire who made both Anna and himself immortal. But still human.

Cause, one: he was holding his baby girl. And two: his son was in harm's way.

The Count freed his finger, and lifted the sleeping babe in the air. Which woke her from her peaceful slumber. Revealing blue eyes with hints that they'll turn hazel. He was awestruck. The child seemed to sence that the strange man holding her, was evil. And she wanted her parents. She wanted far away from him.

Her little crocodile tears fell as she whailed for her family. The Count chuckled.

"Now leave my family alone." Van demanded. The Count growled.

"You killed my three brides. And stole my fourth. I have three more brides, and am in search of a fourth bride. My three brides will be overjoyed to hear that I've found them another sister." The vampire king said.

"Anna will never be your bride." Van growled. "I wasn't talking about Anna." The vampire sung mockingly. The two parents eyes widened in realization.

"No! Not my baby!" Anna actually begged. "I have no need for her as a babe." The Count said. Then he cradled the crying baby again, and held her tiny hand. He made her open it gently.

She started to cry harder. Now in pain, as markings started to form on her hand.

"There. It is done. Now she's been marked. She's mine now. You can't stop me." The Count said.

Dracula placed the child back into her crib. And just before he disappeared. He spoke for one last time.

"I'll be back. And the day I take her..." He chuckled evily. "You won't even know going to happen." With that he disappeared.

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