The Dragon Warrior Is Me!?

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Narrator pov

Legends tell of a Kung Fu Master whose skills work Beyond those of Legend. He travels the world in search of Mighty opponents. In his travels, the warrior could not find anyone who can match Superior skills his enemies would cower in fear from Pure unadulterated awesomeness and the ladies would Swoon over his rugged looks. Never before had a tiger been so feared but so loved at the same time so much so that even the greatest warriors in China the Furious Five bowed and respected The Warrior as soon they would all fight side by side and say

Monkey: we should chill sometime

Y/n: totally

But chilling would have to wait because when you're facing 12000 Demons of demon Valley there's only one thing that matters and that's

Nobody pov

Then y/n snapped back to reality as he fell off his bed

Y/n: ugh~ not cool

Then his stomach started to growl

Y/n: well time for breakfast

I jumped out my window and grabbed onto a pole looking out at the distance and found a food stand

Y/n: freshly cooked dumpling food stand 1000

I jumped off the pole and onto the wall sliding down the wall and landing on my feet as I looked around the corner and walked behind the stand owner and touched his right shoulder as he looked right then I moved to the left and grabbed the two dumplings and eating one As the owner looked left I moved right
And walked away

???: thief! He took my food!

Y/n: crap

Y/n started running away and then hid down an alleyway as the guards went down the wrong turn

Y/n: hehe, victory for y-

He was cut off as something flew last him and his dipping went missing

Y/n: what the

???: So you're the local thief

Y/n: hmm?

Y/n looked up and saw the furious five on a roof looking down on him

Y/n: oh wow the fantastic five coming to see whittle old me

Monkey: wow never seen a white tiger

Tigress: monkey focus, mantis

Then y/n fell on his face

Mantis: don't move

Y/n: can I roll

Then y/n rolled over crushing him then getting back up waving at them

Y/n: see ya

Y/n jumped through a window into another person house as viper was about to come through but he threw the table at her as it smacked her in the face then he ran out the back and seeing no way out he jumped of the house then off the wall then back on the building before backflipping on to the roof then running away as he heard something above him as he slid to the edge of the building as can barely miss him and as he hung from the building he jumped through the window then monkey followed him and cuts him off

Y/n: cant we talk

Monkey: don't move

Y/n: is that all you guys say

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