The Old Student And New Teacher

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Y/n pov

I was walking up to the training exercise with everyone when something

Tigress: something wrong little brother

Y/n: uh, everything fine

I said catching up with the other five

Y/n: so what do you think master needed us for, more bad guy skulls the bash

Tigress: someone eager

Y/n: I haven't been doing anything and I don't want my skills to get rusty

Viper: yeah we wouldn't want you falling down the stairs again, half asleep

Y/n: that was one time

Crane: no I believe it happened 3 times

Monkey: third-time tigress knocked you out

Tigress: it was a fun afternoon

Y/n; what is this pick on the y/n time

Mantis: there's a time for that?

Everyone laughs, we meet master shifu at the dojo as he stood in front of the door  and we bowed

Shifu: five, dragon warrior

Y/n: what's up master, so, who's getting a dragon size beat down today

Shifu:(chuckles) well before you can do battle with your fist young cub, you must learn to do battle with the mind


Y/n: whoa~ okay I will admit my mind is blown, so what's the occasion, master

I said as we all walked into the new dojo

Shifu: today will be my final class

Y/n: final class, w-what are you talking about, are you sick? I mean you do look kinda pale and-

Shifu: I'm not sick!

Y/n: I was gonna say spry for your...age

Shifu:(groans) this is my final lesson because your training will be at the hands of the dragon warrior

He said pointing at me with his staff as everyone looked at me in surprise

Y/n: your joking right, please tell me you joking right master

Shifu: no I'm serious

Y/n:  why me I mean most of my moves come from big sis Tigress and besides she's like the boss to everyone here she's always telling everybody what to do and stuff

Tigress: be quiet y/n

Y/n: see what I mean

Shifu: tigress is not the dragon warrior, you are

Y/n: come on they were practicing martial arts before I could even walk what can I teach them? Besides, I don't teach I watch and learn

Shifu: you've watched me teach, now it is time for the student to reflect

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