Y/n Meets The End Of Kung-Fu

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Y/n pov

It was a stare-down between our two groups before the wolf ran out the door leaving his men behind

Y/n: did he just

Tigress: y/n go after him we'll catch up

I nodded and ran up to the door as it was blocked by two other wolves I jumped over them before running out the door to see the scared wolf leaving on a rickshaw

Y/n: now what

I looked and saw a broken board with four wheels

Y/n: hmmm

Nobody pov

Scar: haha dumb cat thinks he can catch me

??: so uh where to sir

Scar: the palace where I can-

???: hey you!

Scar: what! Impossible!

Y/n was on a board with four wheels chasing after scar smirking

Y/n: miss me!

Scar: (growling) lose him!

???: yes sir

Scar turned the rickshaw by force by y/n jumped with the board on the was and turned with him following right behind scar. That's when the wolf got angry and turned at the last second

Y/n: crap!

Y/n grabbed onto a nearby pole and swung himself around and down the same pathway as scar. So the wolf grabbed the wallah and threw him at y/n so y/n kicked the back of the board and jumped in the air avoiding the civilian

(Wallahs is the guy who pulls the rickshaw)

Scar: watch out!

That's when he started throwing random things in y/n path but he just moved left and right before jumping over people and things and when he landed there was a barrel coming towards him so he turned the board sideways before turning around using the board with his left foot then he did the same things to lead with is the dominant side of his body

Y/n: that all you got!?

Scar: how about something smaller thats when he threw baby bunnies at y/n as they latched on to his face and body laughing

Y/n: crap baskets!

Y/n didn't know he was going up a high rise but when he got his vision back they were about to fall off the roof so y/n jumped on the board to the other side of the roof as the distance was so great his feet started to leave the board. Lucky he made it to the other side but this time he saw the end of the roof with no other building remotely close so he spoiled the board sideways as he started to ride along the wire

Crane: y/n up here!

Y/n: crane!

Y/n jumped off the board and tossed the kids to crane before landing on the board again and jumping off on a roof to another and then to the ground but it was all uphill as scar laughed while getting away

Y/n: he getting away

Tigress: heads up

Y/n looked back and saw tigress flying towards him so he jumped off the board and landed on tigress's palms as she shoved him so hard he took off like fireworks to scar and landed on scar's rickshaw

Y/n: well hello there

He punched scar in the face before scar leaned down and kicked y/n feet off the rickshaw, then y/n jumped back on the rickshaw and in the air kicked scar in the face before landing then blocked his punch as they kept going back and forth with strikes

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