Is This The End Of Kung-Fu

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(End at 0:26)

In the background, y/n had followed the five secretly pole vaulting to a nearby ledge before kicking two guards unconscious and laying their bodies somewhere where they won't be seen

Y/n: stealth mode don't fail me now

Y/n ran past scar as he looked back y/n was bidding in the shadows thanks to his black and white fur it was hard to see him

Scar: hmmm, hmph that stupid Peacock

Scar turned around as y/n kept moving in the shadows silently then as he got ti a window he jumped through landing on the other side of the wall seeing the wolves and the factory

Shen: move you dogs! Faster, Faster!

Y/n: there you are

That's when y/n ran up the ledge and onto a stand as he stood across a clog of smoke

Y/n: tell me what you did

She then swiped away the smoke standing on the other side of the bridge

Shen: no greetings young cub

Y/n: don't play games with me shen, im not in the mode so talk! What did you do

Shen: you want the truth, well I don't blame you. I would want to know the truth as well if I were in your position. I remember. I remember seeing your family leave you, abandon you for dead, I believe it went something like...this!

Shen uses his claws to cut a steel chain as
y/n almost got hos with a pot of boiling lava

As he barely dodged it as holding on to a handle

Shen: are you willing to die to find the truth

Then y/n swung over back to post ruling on his back before setting himself straight on one knee

Y/n:(growling) im done playing games shen!

Y/nthen kicked shen as shen used his metal claws the grip his feet and toss y/n behind him then he tried to trip y/n but y/n jumped over his feathers and gripped shen by the legs before leaning back and throwing him to the pulley down below as the two fighters landed on their feet and started going at it blow for blow while moving forward trying not to get dropped into the lava but suddenly y/n loses his balance a piece of metal and shen took that opportunity to jump over y/n and kick him in the back of the head as he fell forward about to fall into the lava pit while shen watched from above but y/n extended his claws and gripped onto the pulley as shen thought he had finally won

Y/n: looking for me!

Shen turns as y/n kicked him in the face shen spun around before throwing metal darts at y/n. So y/n then used a metal sword he grabbed while underneath the pulley blocking all the darts as shen jumps over him and wolves start to jump on y/n but then tigress kicked a wolf into the pile freeing y/n as y/n took the chance and went after shen

Tigress: y/n get away from him!

Y/n ignored her and limped to the top before jumping in the air and breaking the sword in two with his knee then kicking the two pieces neck to shen neck as y/n then landed and rushed shen before he could move, grabbing him by the face with his claws extended


Shen: oh you want to know so...badly huh you thin it heal you, fill some crater in your soul...well here's your answer

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