The Rise Of The Dragon Warrior

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Shifu pov

As the morning rose I looked around for the five and the cub but couldn't find them that was until I opened up the dojo and saw him practicing but he it was different once again every move he did was like looking into a mirror the cub learned all of the fives moves in just those short sparing sessions seeing them do it no practice or anything

Shifu: look at you

Y/n: uh yeah I know im a newbie I make mistakes

Shifu: no, I mean how did you learn all those moves you've only seen them once

Y/n: I don't know I just thought it looked easy so I did it

Shifu:(smirking) y/n

Y/n: yeah

Shifu: come with me

Nobody pov

Y/n followed him as shifu had him carry a bag that weighed more than y/n body weight

Y/n: are we there yet

Shifu: yes

They made it to the top of the mountain as y/n dropped his pack and took a breath of relief as shifu sat down in a mediation stance

Y/n: I need a drink

Y/n took a drink from the pond as shifu saw this and sighed

Shifu: little cub we do not drink from the pool of sacred tears

Y/n:(spits out water) the what!?

Shifu: this is where oogway unraveled the secrets of harmony and focus this is the birthplace of all kung-fu

Then it hit y/n like a runaway train seeing what he was standing on

Shifu: y/n do you want to change


Shifu: then I will teach you to be better, I will be the master that guides you on your journey

Y/n: are you sure about this

Shifu: positive

Time skip

In a clear field, shifu and y/n stood face to face as their training was just about to begin

Shifu: When you focus on kung-fu when you concentrate you lack drive, but perhaps that is my fault I cannot train you the way I trained the five I now see the way to get through to you is with your mind

Y/n: huh?

Shifu: (chuckles) it well all make sense soon but first your training

Soon shifu can be seen standing on a tree as y/n did situps while blocking strikes from shifu and his bamboo stick

Shifu: what's wrong little cub even viper can do this and she doesn't even have hands

Y/n:( growls)

The next day y/n was blocking all the bamboo strikes from shifu then y/n brought his arm around the bamboo stick and backflipped taking the pole away from shifu

Y/n: what's the next test master

Shifu:(smirking) come this way

Shifu brought y/n towards two large boulders one bigger than the other 

Y/n: and this is for

Shifu: a part of tigress training was that she had to break a boulder with her bare hands

Y/n: oh I don't like where this is going

Shifu then walked up to the smaller boulder and breathed I and out before punching the boulder making it split right down the middle

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