The Final Showdown Y/n Vs Kai

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Nobody pov

Y/n was outside training in the cold and cloudy morning when he stopped for a break grabbing onto his knees and breathing heavily

Y/n: haa...haaa...HA!

He threw a punch at the dummy only for Tigress to catch it

Tigress: this, isn't going to work

Y/n: It will

Tigress: you're not thinking straight

Y/n: says who

Tigress scoffed before kicking his right leg before y/n reached for her shoulder only for her to grab and hold his arm down

Tigress: me

Y/n growled before trying to leg-sweep Tigress but she backflipped in the air and blocked two of his jabs

Tigress: I've seen Kai

She said as y/n went for and left hook but was blocked by Tigress, he spun backward and tried a backhand strike but Tigress wrapped her arm around his as they went back to back

Tigress: I've seen what he can do

Y/n: but he ain't seen what I can do

Y/n then spun to the right and went under Tigress as she rolled over his back and unknown to her he had the wuxi finger hold on her

Tigress:...the wuxi finger hold?

Y/n: Tai lung sang a different tune when I used it on him, I get kai in this bad boy and booyah!

Tigress gripped his hand tightly as y/n went to one knee in pain from her grip

Tigress: he has his army of Jade warriors. Everything they see, he sees. So there is no sneaking up on him

Y/n grabbed her hand only for her to twist his arm and pin him to the ground

Tigress: you will never get close enough

Y/n: oh yeah?

Y/n got up and spun on the ground putting his twisted arm back to normal only for Tigress to hip-toss him to the ground

Y/n: ow~

Tigress: he can only be stopped by a master of chi

Y/n:(growling) You sound just like Shifu

He said standing up

Y/n: Chi this, chi that I'm sick of it! not a master of chi... I'm not sure if I'm even the dragon warrior sometimes...I can't stop his army but I can stall for time

???: you would just like your father

Song walked out of the smoke

Y/n: you?

Song: not just me

She said with a smirk and a hand on her him as Aoi walked from behind her

Aoi: us

Song: all of us

The other villagers started to come out from behind the smoke

Song: we're not running this time

Y/n: but mon you guys don't even know kung-fu

Song: then teach us

Y/n: psh! Me!? I can't teach you, Kung Fu! I can't even teach big sis Tigress and she already knows kung-fu!

Aoi then walked up to y/n grabbing his hands

Aoi: y/n I know I'm the last person you want to trust right now but you gotta believe me, we can be just like you

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