Return Of The Dragon Warrior

747 31 2

Nobody pov

(End at 1:16)


In the valley of peace Aoi y/n wife and and song his mother waited infront of a store. Aoi was pacing back an forth while song sharpened her katana

Aoi: where is he, he's supposed to be here for the wedding rehearsal

Song: Aoi relaxe he's coming

Aoi: I am relaxed!

She stomped on the ground and broke it a bit as the pigs walking by jumped in the air a bit

Aoi: sorry!

Song: you know you are freakishly strong

Aoi: haha~  but what if he doesn't make it then we have to reschedule again and the porkertons are already mad at us for holding off on this for the billionth time

Song: he's coming, if he's anything like his father he's prone to be fashionably late

With y/n he was falling from the sky

Y/n then kicked a flying manta ray in the face before flipping on to the water bridge landing on all fours

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Y/n then kicked a flying manta ray in the face before flipping on to the water bridge landing on all fours

Y/n: booyah

The manta then rushed y/n breaking the bridge as he jumped back to avoid the manta

Y/n: not good

The manta the rose into the air from the water breaking the part of the bridge behind y/n

Y/n: definitely not good

The manta then came down on and y/n narrowly avoided getting hit as he jumped on to one log standing above water the mantis circled around in the water before flying into the air, y/n waited for the enemy to strike and so the manta ray did. Rushing him at break neck speeds

Y/n: bring it

Y/n jumped on the pole as it bends and sent him twords the manta ray in the sky and before the manta could bite him y/n kicked him in the face before grabbing his tail and standing on the manta black

Y/n: let's wrap This up shall we

The Mantis slowly kept falling to the ground as y/n tired it's tail between its teeth and around its body prevent to get from flying soon they both landed on part of the bridge that was still standing.

Y/n: I belive these are yours

Y/n then stomped on the Manta's back three times as three little piglets came flying out towards their mother as the villagers came around to congratulate him

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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