Chapter 2

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A/N: I decided to post this early and here is the second chapter ;) , I'll post whenever I can! :)

Chat Noir Pov
I went an hour before patrol to prepare dinner for me and m'lady and I've prepared everything for confessing to her and now I just have to wait.

Marinette / Ladybug Pov
I was sketching some designs and thinking about what happened today at the park, I felt sad that I've been rejected and started crying silently until tikki told me that it's time for patrol.
I transformed and swung my yoyo to the Eiffel Tower where I met Chat Noir.
"Hello Chat Noir," I said smiling
"Hello M'lady," he said
"You go the west side and I'll go the east and then we'll meet here after an hour"

3rd Pov
After an hour of patrol the two of them met at the Eiffel Tower.
"My side is clear , is there anything on your side" asked Ladybug
"Nope, my side is clear" Chat Noir said
They talked for a while till chat noir looked at her
"Are you alright m'lady?" Asked Chat Noir
"Yea I'm fine" said Ladybug
"You know you can't lie to me," said Chat Noir back
Ladybug signs
"I told the boy I'm in love with about my feelings and..."
Chat Noir goes to her side and hugs her
"H-He told me that he loves another girl and I-I...." ladybug said
"It's ok m'lady he doesn't deserve you" he said
"I actually wanted to ask you if you want to eat dinner with me?"he asked politely
Ladybug was heartbroken and didn't want to do anything but go home
"Sorry Chat Noir but I really love him and I can't eat dinner with you" she said
"It's ok m'lady, I will always, love you" he said
"Goodnight Chat Noir" ladybug said
"Goodnight" he said
As she swung her yo-yo till she reached home and de-transformed.

Chat Noir Pov
He felt heartbroken after being rejected once again, but he didn't want to go to the cold lonely mansion, so he sat on the Eiffel Tower for a while, then as he was swinging back home he spotted Marinette on her balcony and decided to visit her.
"Hello purrincess," He said
"Oh hey Chat Noir," she said
"What are you doing here?" she asked
"Oh I saw you awake so I wanted to say hi," he said
"Oh ok, do you want to come inside?" she said
"Um ok" he replied
As he entered the room he spotted some pictured of him as Adrien, as he walked towards them, he saw that there was a lot.
" these are the pictures of the boy I like but since he doesn't like me back I was going to remove them," she said
As she walked past him, she took the pictures and placed them in a box
"That's Adrien Agreste, right?"
"Yea that's him, most girls like him for his money, but I liked him for his kind personality"
She said truthfully
After a few minutes of silence, chat noir finally spoke
"Do you have any croissants?" he asked smiling
"Um yeah I'll go get some for you," she said as she went downstairs, after a few minutes she came back with a plate with croissants, macaroons, and some cookies.
"Here have some," she said sweetly
"Thank you," he said
After a few hours of talking together, Chat Noir ring started beeping
"I'll see you tomorrow purrincess if you don't mind of course," he said
"Of course I don't mind, you're welcome here whenever you want," she said smiling
"Goodnight purrincess," he said
"Goodnight Chaton," she said
As he went back to his house, he de-transformed and dreamt about Marinette, and in the other side of Paris was Marinette dreaming about Chat Noir and they both slept peacefully forgetting about the events that made them sad today.

A/N: This is the second Chapter and I Hope you Enjoyed it, till next time
Bug out~🐞✨🐱

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