Chapter 7

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~ Paris, Eiffel Tower, 3rd Pov ~

Ladybug looked in between her legs and knew what was about to happen, her water broke.
"C-chat.. N-noir" said Ladybug
"Yes, M'lady?" Chat Noir said while looking over the city
" M-my water j-just broke," said Ladybug
"Wha..?, omg we have to get you to the hospital!" Chat Noir said as he was jumping from one rooftop to another, he spotted the hospital, right as he was getting closer and closer.
"S-stop n-nearby I-i'll have t-to transform back," Ladybug said as another contraction hit her
"But what about your identity?" he asked
"W-we can't d-do anything a-about it, just s-stop where I-is n-near," she said
"Oh ok," he said
"Tikki s-spots......o-ff," Ladybug said as she de-transformed into Marinette
"M-marinette?!" Chat Noir said shocked
"P-please t-take make inside, ..... We'll talk a-about this l-later" Marinette said
Chat Noir rushed into the hospital holding marinette, he told them enough information about her, he went and de-transformed and entered the hospital, he asked about her room and then followed a nurse, when he arrived he entered and greeted her.
"Hey Marinette, Chat Noir told me about you when I was nearby and came here" Adrien Said
" O-oh hi a-Adrien," she said
" Do you want me to call anyone?" asked Adrien
"Y-yes, p-please tell A-alya and my p-parents," said Marinette
"Ok," Adrien said and then called her parents
"Hello Mrs. Dupain Cheng, I'm Marinette Friend Adrien, come to the hospital asap, she's in Labor," Adrien said
"Oh thank you, dear, well be there soon," sabine said and hung up
He then dialed Alya and about 2 mins later she replied
"Hey, Adrien, What's up?" she said
"You have to come to the hospital,marinettes in Labor," Adrian said
"Oh my God, I'm coming asap," Alya said and hung up, she went and grabbed the hospital bags and bags that contain the baby clothes and then went to the miracle box and grabbed the fox and horse miraculous and teleported to Paris, she transformed into Rena Rouge and went to the hospital.
At the hospital,  Marinette was in pain, Adrian left after he called her parents and Alya after the call by a few minutes both Alya and her parents arrived, Adrien explained to them that Chat Noir told him about marinette since he was walking nearby.

~ After a Few Hours, Hospital ~

"Push...push..just push a few more and your baby will be out," said the doctor to marinette
Marinette kept pushing until her pain was away
"A healthy baby boy is born," said the doctor as she gave it to the nurse to clean up,
Then once again marinette was in pain again
"Push... Push" the doctor kept saying
"I can see the head," said one of the nurse
" Just push a few more and your baby will be out," said the doctor smiling at marinette gently
Marinette gave a few pushed until the pain faded away
"A healthy baby girl," said the doctor as she smiled at marinette
"We're going to take them to check on them and clean them," said the doctor to her patient
"You should rest, for now, I'll tell your family to come here," said the doctor as she left the room
Her parents, Alya and Adrian entered the room smiling at her
"Marinette, are you alright?" said tom
"Yes papa I'm fine," Marinette said smiling
"Girl I was so worried," Alys said
"Darling I was so worried," said sabine
"Don't worry, in fine" Marinette said smiling weakly
"Congratulations Marinette," said Adrien
"Thanks" marinette replied.
After that 2 nurses came in with the twins wrapped in a blue and a pink blanket, lying down in the hospital cribs
" what would you like to name the girl?" asked one of the nurse
"Emma," Marinette said
"What about the boy?" the other one asked
"Louis" Marinette said
"What lovely names, both of your children are healthy and you'll be able to leave tomorrow morning," said the nurse
"Thank you," marinette said as she took a look at her children, Louis had blonde hair and blue eyes, Emma had blonde hair with green-forest eyes, everyone stared at them with awe.
" they're beautiful," said her mom
" they're cute," Alya said
"We will love to stay with you sweetie but unfortunately we have to leave for the bakery, we will be back tomorrow morning," said tom
"It's ok, see you tomorrow," said Marinette
"I'll have to go girl, see you soon," Alya said

~ Adrien Pov ~

I was thinking of the father of marinettes children, who could it be? He asked himself, and then it hit him, "I will always love you even if we are in different countries", he then went to the children, he took a look at them, they both had blonde hair, Emma had green-forest eyes, like his, could he possibly be the father? he was lost in thought that he didn't realize that marinette was calling him and that he's the only one in the room
"ADRIEN?" said Marinette
"Uh...yeah?" I asked
"You have been lost in thought for a while," she said
"Marinette?" I asked
"Yes?" she replied
"Is Chat Noir the father of the twins?" he asked
He looked at her expression, she looked shocked
"W-who t-told... Y-you that?" she said
"Please answer me," I said
"Fine.. Yes these are mine and Chat Noir twins" she said truthfully
I was in shock that she was pregnant, but never told me? why?
"Why didn't you tell him?" I asked
"I was scared he would leave me alone or maybe he doesn't want the babies," she said crying
" I don't think he'll ever leave you, you're beautiful, talented, and strong," I said
" Thank you, Adrien," she said
"Goodnight, I'll see you soon," I said
"Good night," she said and went to sleep
I left the hospital and went back home, I remembered today events and smiled at myself
"Plagg," I said
"Yea," he said
"I'm gonna tell her who am I," I said
" I agree, you know her identity and it'll be fair if she knew too," he said as he ate another piece of Camembert
I planned to do it tomorrow and I will!
Not long after that, I drifted off to sleep.

~ The Next Morning, Marinette's Pov ~

I woke and saw that it was morning already, I smiled to myself and went to the twin's cribs, Emma was sleeping peacefully, while Louis was awake looking at me, I picked him up and went to the bed, I breastfeed him and then put him back to his crib, he smiled at me and went back to sleep, after that, I sat on the bed and a nurse came in with breakfast.
"Good morning, did you sleep well?" she said
"Good morning, yes I did," I said
She placed the food at the table and I thanked her
"When can I leave the hospital?" I asked
"Youll be able to leave when anyone from your family comes to pick you up, and you should sign some papers at the front desk," she said
"Oh ok thanks," I said and she left the room, I finished breakfast and then checked my phone, I called my mom on the phone

"Hey maman," I said
"Hello dear did you sleep well?" she asked
"Yes I did, when are you coming to pick me up?" I said
"We'll be there after 5 minutes," she said
"Ok, " I said and hung up, changed my clothes, and then called a nurse to come to the room, after a few seconds she came in.
"How can I help you?" asked the nurse
"Can you please help me dress the twins?" I asked politely
"Yes of course," she said, they dressed the twins and I thanked her, after a few minutes my parents arrived, we went to the car while I was holding Louis and maman holding Emma, my dad put the bags in the back, then he entered the car and drove to the bakery.
~At The Bakery, 3rd Pov ~

Marinette placed the twins on her bed which was clean because her parents cleaned it for her the last night, and went back to the living room and met her parents.
"Why didn't you tell us that you're coming?" asked tom
"I wanted to surprise you guys since my due date was supposed to be after 3 weeks, but things didn't go as planned" marinette said as an excuse
"Oh ok dear, well it was a nice surprise, after all, you should go rest in your room, we'll call you for lunch later and your father will go to the store and get cribs for the twins," said sabine
"Ok thanks" marinette said as she kissed her mom and dad cheek, she went upstairs and saw Louis sleeping while Emma crying, she picked her up and breastfeed her and she went to sleep, after that, she looked at the twins and smiled at them.

~ 10 minutes Later ~

Tom went to marinette room and placed the cribs, and went downstairs, marinette placed the twins on them and went to sleep.

A/N: I'm sorry for not posting in a while, this part was nearly done written but I forgot to edit it and post it, here's the 7th chapter and I hope you enjoy it.
Bug Out~🐞✨🐱

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