Chapter 10

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• Read Note at the end •

"Mom?" Said Chat Noir
"What?" Said Gabriel confused
"Plagg, Claws In" Said Chat Noir, as a flash of green blinding everyone in the basement, and then there stood Adrien Agreste.
"Adrien?!" asked Gabriel Shocked as the same as Nathalie
"Yeah," he said as Ladybug De-transformed to Marinette.
They stood in front of the coffin a bit and then made their way to the office, when they arrived Marinette promised Gabriel to find a solution and come back once they do, they said their goodbyes and went back home.

~ 3 Days Later, Marinette Pov ~

I've been looking through some healing books that belonged to Master wing fu for 3 days, I've got some information that was helpful but not the one I'm looking for, after flipping the pages and reading more information, I finally found the potion that will heal her up!
"I Finally Found it!" I said excitedly
"Really?!" asked Adrien as he came to me
"Yes!, I just have to prepare this potion and she'll awake," I said
"Thank you, m'lady," said Adrian happily as he kissed me, I kissed back and then pulled to prepare it.

~ 2 Hours Later ~

I finally finished the potion, we just have to give it to Emilie and she'll awake!
"Adrien," I said excitedly
"Yeah," he said coming over
"Let's go to your dad's Mansion, I found the potion," I said as we grabbed the twins and put them in the car seats, and headed to the Agreste Mansion.
Once we arrived, we put the twins in the trolley and entered and we went straight to Gabriel office.
A/N: Emilie was in one of the Guest rooms btw, to make it Clear!
We knocked on the door and entered once we heard a 'come in'.
"Father, Marinette found a potion that will awake Mom," Said Adrien excitedly
"Oh my gosh, thank you Marinette," said Gabriel
"It's ok, let's go to the room that Emilie is in," I said as I pushed the trolley and went straight in the direction of the room, we arrived in no time and entered the room, Emilie was laying on the bed, I put the trolley near the bed and thank God that they were both asleep, I went towards Emilie and slowly made her drink the potion.
"It's going to take some minutes for her to awake," I said smiling at both Gabriel and Adrien, as they came and sat near Emilie.

~ After 15 minutes, 3rd Pov ~

We've been waiting for 15 minutes, Marinette was hoping that it'll work, it will make Adrien so happy. All of them were in thoughts and none of them realized that Emilie was opening her eyes!
"Adrien?" asked Emilie as she opened her Emerald eyes
"Mom! You're awake!" said Adrien as he hugged his mother, tears going down his cheeks, and Gabriel hugged his wife
"What? H-How long have I've been asleep?" asked Emilie confused
"6 years," said, Adrien
"Omg" said Emilie shocked
"How did I wake up then?" Asked Emilie
"Marinette made a poison to awake you," said Adrien as he brought Marinette closer.
"Thank you," said Emilie as she opened her arms to hug Marinette, which she gladly accepted
"Marinette is my girlfriend," said Adrien
"Nice to meet you," said Marinette
"Nice to meet you too," said Emilie, still not noticing the twins, as one of them started crying from the noise surrounding them while the other one was awake but not crying.
"Who's crying?" asked Emilie
"Um..." said Adrien as he went to the trolley, Emma was crying while Louis was calm, he picked both of them and went back to the bed
"You're grandchildren," Adrien said happily
"Oh my, they're so cute," Said smile as she holds Emma, and she immediately stops crying and start smiling.
They explained to Emilie about everything that happened, she wasn't happy about what her husband did but understood that it was for her, she forgives him and was happy that her son was going to marry after 6 months and that he was protecting the city, they spent the rest of the day at the Agreste Mansion and made plans to tell the news of the defeat of hawkmoth but they won't mention was he was and they will even tell them that they found Emilie Agreste who was apparently 'Disappeared' to the world, after that they headed home and fell asleep.

~ The Next Day ~

Ladybug and Chat Noir made their way to the news to announce the important news, they called them yesterday about that and it was time to announce the news.
"Don't be amused, it's just the news, Ladybug and Chat Noir are here and they have something very important to announce, Listen Carefully" Nadja Chamack said towards the Camera
"Hello Citizens of Paris, Me and Chat Noir Want to announce that we Finally defeated Hawk Moth, but for safety reasons, we won't tell his identity," Said Ladybug as Chat Noir was standing next to her
"Really?! That's Awesome!" said Nadja Chamack
"Yes, and we have to announce that we also found Emilie Agreste Yesterday and she's Safe with her family now!" Said Chat Noir
"We will not be needed but we will patrol around the city as always, and in the future, there will also be new team members," said Ladybug as she winked at the camera
"That's amazing! can I ask some questions?" asked Nadja
"Yes of course," Said Ladybug and Chat Noir together
"Are you going to reveal your identities? Asked Nadja
"We will keep that a puzzle for the world to find who we really are" said Ladybug
"Ok, lots of fans are asking about your baby" said Nadja
"Thank you all for asking, we'll m'lady gave birth to twins actually and it's a boy and a girl" Said Chat Noir
"Oh Congratulations, that's all and thank you so much" said Nadja
"Your welcome, we will always be there to save Paris and in the future our kids will also be there for Paris safety" said Ladybug as she and Chat Noir Left and went back to their apartment.
(They have their own apartment, if I didn't ever mention)
A/N: I'm so Sorry for not posting over a week, this book is nearly finished though, after about 2 or 3 chapters , i think it'll be done ;).
Bug Out~🐞✨🐱

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