Chapter 6

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1 month and a half later, Marinette Pov
(5:30 pm)
It's been 6 months since the Akuma attack, I wonder what happened to hawkmoth? did he give up? Or did he lose his miraculous?
I was sitting in the living room eating some snacks while Alya was scrolling through her phone and the tv in front of us was sharing the news, then suddenly Nadja Chamack said:
"Don't be bemused, it's just the news there's a new supervillain attacking Paris and there's no sight of LadyBug or Chat Noir!"
I got up from the couch and went to the miracle box and grabbed the horse miraculous
"Be careful Marinette" said Alya who was behind me in worry
"Don't worry Alya I'll be fine" I said smiling at her
"Tikki, Spots On!" I said transforming into LadyBug
"Tikki, Kalki Unify!" I said and transformed into Pegabug, then I teleported to the Eiffel Tower and there was my partner in crime Chat Noir
"Tikki, Kalki Divide" and transformed into LadyBug.

Adrien / Chat Noir Pov

I was wondering why hawkmoth hasn't attacked in 6 Months, but I was more curious why hadn't LadyBug appeared after their last Akuma attack, I was just hoping to see her
"Don't be bemused, it's just the news, there's a new supervillain attacking Paris and there's no sight of LadyBug or Chat Noir!" said Nadja Chamack
"Yes, here's my chance! , Plagg Claws out" I said as I transformed into Chat Noir and went to the Eiffel Tower, I waited a few minutes and I saw Pegabug teleport, and then she said: "Tikki, Kalki Divide" and then transformed into LadyBug
"LadyBug?!" I said in shock, she had a bump which means she's pregnant?
"Oh hello, Chat Noir, Ready to defeat the Villian?"
" are you p-pregnant?" I asked
"Yes," she said
"How are you going to fight like this?" I asked worried
"Don't worry Chat Noir, let's defeat the villain first and then meet her after?" she said smiling
"Um ok," I said still unsure

~ After The Fight, LadyBug Pov ~

"Pound it," Me and Chat Noir said in unison
" let's go to the Eiffel Tower," I said
"Sure let's go," he said
We swung for about 2 minutes and we were now sitting next to each other in silence
"So...You're pregnant?" he asked
"Yea I am," I said
"Congrats to both of you," he said
"Um I'm alone on this, I didn't tell the father yet" I said laughing nervously
"Oh," he said
"So how long are you?" he asked curiously
"I'm 22 weeks," I said smiling
"Oh, do you know the gender?" he asked
"Well yea, It's gonna be a girl and a boy," I said happily
"Omg twins?!, congratulations," he said
"Thanks," I said
"Would you mind me asking you why did you come here through teleportation?" he asked curiously
"Oh well I'm not in Paris in the meantime, I left 4 months ago and I'm studying college," I said truthfully
"Oh well good luck," he said
Then both our miraculous started to beep, warning us that we're transforming back
"Well good night Chat Noir, I'll see you soon," I said
"See you soon M'lady," he said
I transformed to Pegabug and waved to him and teleported to London, I ate dinner and went to sleep.

~ Adrien Pov ~

After LadyBug left, I went back home and transformed back, I was wondering about Ladybug and their conversation
"Plagg," I said
"Yes," he said while stuffing cheese into his mouth
"Who do you think the father of Ladybugs child might be?" he asked
"Not sure," he said
" plagg can you tell me who Ladybug is?" I asked
" you know, that your identity must remain a secret, and it's better if you don't try to find out" he answered me seriously
"Fine, I won't try," I said and after that, I drifted off to sleep.

~ HawkMoth Pov ~

"I think I'll have these miraculous soon," said Hawkmoth while laughing evilly
"How are you going to do that sir?" asked Nathalie
"I've noticed that LadyBugs is pregnant, and it's going to be a perfect opportunity to send an Akuma when she's close to labor, don't you think?" said Hawkmoth while enjoying his plan
"Yes Sir, but when will you be sure of when it's the right time?" she asked curiously
"I've paid someone to try guess how many months she's pregnant and the person I chose is an expert and told me she seems to be on her 5th month and the perfect timing for my next Akuma would be after 3 months," he said laughing evilly
"Ok sir," she said

~ 3 Months later, London, 3rd Pov ~

It's been 3 months since the last Akuma but neither Chat Noir nor Ladybug had a good feeling for Hawkmoth's silence, they were sure that he has an evil plan going on, but marinette hoped it last after her giving birth.
"Omg girl, your babies will be here in less than 3 weeks!" said Alya excitedly
"Yea I know right, I'm so excited," said Marinette
"But I just hope hawkmoth doesn't release any Akuma's in the meantime" Marinette added.
"Don't worry gurl, he hadn't released any in the past 3 months, I don't think he'll release any" Alya said
After a few minutes of talking about the babies,
"Don't be bemused, it's just the news, there a supervillain in Paris, and Chat Noir and Ladybug aren't here yet!" said Nadja Chamack

Marinette transformed into Pegabug and went to Paris by using the horse miraculous, and Chat Noir was sitting on the Eiffel Tower looking worried.
"Hey Chat," said Ladybug.
"Oh hi ladybug, how are you going to fight like this?" asked Chat Noir worriedly
"Don't worry, there's still 3 weeks until my due date" she said smiling
" oh ok then but be careful," Chat Noir said
"I will," said Ladybug, and they went to defeat the villain
~ After The Fight~
"Pound it," said Ladybug and Chair Noir in unison, as they were standing on top of the Eiffel Tower
Ladybug felt a sharp pain through her body, she wasn't sure if it is what she thinks it is but when she saw her legs, as expected, her water broke!

A/N: Here's the 6th Chapter and u hope you enjoyed it, sorry for not posting in 2 days but I'll maybe upload the next chapter after a while, Idk not sure and sorry for skipping a lot, nothing really important happens so I wanted to skip,
Hope you Enjoy it, Stay Safe!
Bug Out~🐞✨🐱

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