Chapter 8

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• Read Author Note please at the End •

~ Later that Night, Marinette's Pov ~

I've just put the twins to sleep, I went to my desk and began sketching some designs in my sketchbook, I didn't have any college for a week, I was excused after giving my reasons, I was heading to bed as I heard tapping, I instantly knew who it would be, Chat Noir.

~ Adrien Pov ~

I've been thinking a lot about Mari and the twins, I couldn't wait more so I decided to visit her, I gave plagg some Camembert to charge up, once he finished it, I said my transformation words and went straight to Marinette's house, once I arrived, I tapped the door as she opened it to me.

~ Marinette's Pov ~

I opened the trapdoor to him as he entered, he went to the twin's crib, he kissed both of them on the forehead and smiled at them, there were a few minutes of silence and none of us talked, I decided to speak.
"How have you been?" I asked not sure how to start a conversation with him, I was planning on telling him about the twins, but I wasn't sure when it will be the right time to tell him.
"I've been good" he replied
"Why haven't you told me sooner?" he asked
"About what?" I said as I looked at him
"I know that these twins are mines and yours, but my question is when we're you planning on telling me?" he asked
I was shocked by the fact that he knew, how did he find out?
"I-I've been p-planning on telling you but I wasn't s-sure when," I said as I began to cry.

~ 3rd Pov ~

He went to her side and hugged her, she calmed down after a few minutes.
"D-Do y-you want to b-be apart from their lives," marinette asked after she calmed down a bit
"Of course I do," chat noir said as he kissed her, she was shocked but kissed back.
"I will always love you as ladybug or you're civilian form," he said
She smiled at him and they both went to the cribs, the twins were sleeping peacefully.
"Marinette, I want to tell you something," said Chat Noir
"Yes?" Marinette replied, they were both sitting on marinettes bed while looking into each other
" It's only fair if you knew who I was behind the mask since I know, and I want to be around with you more by my civilian form," Chat Noir said smiling at him
"Oh ok, " she said
"Plagg Claws In," Said Chat Noir as he de-transformed into Adrien
"A-Adrien?" asked Marinette shocked that Adrian and chat noir is the same person.
"Yes, are you disappointed?" asked Adrien
"Of course not, the reason I rejected you as Ladybug was because I loved you as Adrien," marinette said blushing
They kissed and then discussed a few things, marinette decided to do college by online lessons and she will be staying in Paris and move in with Adrien into the new apartment that he bought recently after convincing his father, they even discussed talking to Adrian father about his grandchildren, they will also tell Marinette's parents that Adrian is the father of her children, after discussing for about an hour, they both went to sleep.

~ The Next Morning, Marinette's Pov ~

I woke up this morning to the sound of one of my twins crying, I went over and saw Emma crying while Louis was awake but was laying silently and he smiled at me, I took Emma and breastfeed her, after breastfeeding Emma, I put her back to her crib and she drifts to sleep, then I breastfeed Louis and put him back to his crib and he drifts back to sleep too, I picked my phone and saw that I've received one message from Adrien, I clicked at it.

"Good Morning M'lady, I had to go, but I'll be at the bakery at 7:15 pm to tell your parents the news, and I scheduled a meeting with my  father tomorrow, it will be at 10:30 am"

I smiled at the text and then went downstairs and greeted my parents, we are breakfast and I decided to tell them after we're done
"Mom, Dad I want to tell you something!" I said nervously
"Yes, sweetie?" said my mon
"The father of the children will be joining us at dinner today," I said
"What time will he be here?" asked my mom
"He'll be here at 7:15 pm but I want to tell you that he knew about the twins yesterday, so go easy on him," I said.
"Alright," said my dad

~ 7:15 pm, 3rd Pov ~

It was time for Adrien to arrive, as Marinette was sitting with Tom and Sabine  at the table, Marinette heard the doorbell and went to the door and opened it and there was Adrien Agreste smiling at her, he gave her some flowers as they entered, her parents were a bit shocked to see who he was but smiled at him, they started eating dinner and marinettes parents were asking Adrien some things to know him better, they asked if Adrian dad knew but the younger couple answered them that they'll tell him tomorrow, they said their goodbye to Adrien as he left, marinettes parents were happy because Adrien was the right choice, they said their goodnights to each other as marinette went to her room and drifted off to sleep.

~ The Next Morning, 9:15 am, Marinette's Pov~

I woke up this morning and started getting ready, I brushed my teeth and ate breakfast, when I was done the twins were awake, I breastfeed them and changed their clothes, then I changed my clothes and checked the time, 10:10 am.
I called a cab and then after about 5 minutes it arrived, I picked the twins and put them on the trolley, I went to the car and we arrived at the Agreste Mansion after 10 minutes, I gave the driver the money and started walking to the gates, I rang the doorbell and to my luck, Adrien was the one to reply, he opened the gates as I entered the mansion and met him, I smiled at him and then Nathalie came in and told us that we will be meeting Mr.Agreste after 5 minutes, after a while of waiting, Nathalie came back and told us that we won't have a lot of time to talk to Mr.Agreste because his schedule was busy, she leads us to the office where Gabriel Agreste was Standing.

~ 3rd Pov ~

"Hello Father," said Adrien nervously
"Hello Adrien, what's the reason you're here and with a lady?" Mr.Agreste asked
"Well father, this is marinette dupain cheng, if you remember she's the one that won a few years ago in the competition," said Adrien
"Oh I remember, well hello Mrs.Dupain Cheng," Said, Mr.Agreste, he didn't see the twin's trolley since Marinette and Adrien were on the way, even Nathalie didn't notice.
"Hello, Mr. Agreste"  Marinette replied
"You can call me Gabriel, Now what's the reason you two are here?" he asked
"Well father, me and marinette are dating over a year and I have some news to tell you," Adrien said nervously
"And what do you want to tell me?" asked Gabriel
"W-Well father, nine months ago marinette left to London to study fashion, and before she left, she didn't tell me she was... P-pregnant" I said
Gabriel raised an eyebrow at the both of them and spotted something behind them
"What's behind you two?" he asked
Marinette and Adrien moved aside and that's when Gabriel and Nathalie realized that there was a trolley behind them, he walked closer to the trolley, expecting to see 1 child but he was shocked when he saw 2
"Well dad the news is that they are your grandchildren," said Adrien nervously
"Congratulations to both of you," Said Gabriel, Marinette, and Adrien we're shocked because they didn't expect his reaction to being this way but smiled
"What are their names," Gabriel asked
"Emma and Louis" Replied Marinette, they said their goodbyes as they left the mansion together to spend the rest of the day together.

A/N: This is the 8th Chapter, I don't think this story will contain lots of chapters but it will be COMPLETED!, and thank you so much for reading, please vote or comment, and thank you @diananicol467832 for following, most of my stories will kinda be Marinette pregnant 😏, anyways, my next story would be an adrienette pregnancy story but I won't write anything more about it 😉.
Bug Out~🐞✨🐱

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