Chapter 5: Fears and Promises

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Ken skipped to the kitchen with his digimon partner, Wormmon, following close at hand. Ken wasn't sure why he was so happy today. It could be because of the wonderful anniversary date his boyfriend did for him about a week ago or it could be because his boyfriend was returning home from his mini tour with the band. Either way Ken was in a very good mood. On top of being in a very good mood, Ken actually slept a full week without a single nightmare or flashback. Putting it mildly, Ken was in a very happy mood.

Ken stopped in front of the fridge and counter top, contemplating on what to make. There were eggs, milk, jam, yogurt, fruits, cereal, bread, pancake mix and lots of other stuff. He turned around to face his digimon. He was in the mood for chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries on top.

"What's for Breakfast, Ken-chan?" His digimon asked.

"I was thinking about having chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries."

"Yummy!" Wormmon jumped up and down in excitement. He was happy to see his child happy for once.

Ken smiled back at his digimon's excitement for food. He turned around to grab eggs, milk, strawberries, a bag of chocolate chips, and pancake mix. Ken placed all the ingredients on the counter and proceeded to mixing all the dry and wet ingredients for the pancake batter.

Wormmon watched silently as Ken poured the mixed batter into a pan over the stove. He was happy to see Ken in such a good mood. Usually Ken wakes frightened, believing that his parents might come through the door to harm him again. Wormmon was always saddened to see his child so afraid, even when his grandmother comes to comfort him, telling him that he is safe. However, ever since his date with Yamato, he has been in a very good mood, lately.

Wormmon smiled to himself as he thought about that day. He wasn’t sure what the two boys did after their picnic in the caves. All he knew was that his Ken was very happy and couldn’t stop smiling when he met up with him the next day. There was also something in his eyes that said that he was happy as well. His eyes where filled with life and without fear, something he hadn’t seen in a very long time. What ever it was that the child of Friendship did for his Ken-chan was defiantly worth it. Yamato was defiantly a positive influence in Ken’s life ever since that day. Ken’s grandmother was just as happy to see her grandson happy, however, she fears he might relapse if his parents show up or harm him again. Wormmon was just as worried about this problem as well. He wasn’t sure how his partner would react if his parent showed up. Actually they all might have to worry about what the children of Friendship and Courage might do if this happened. Daisuke, Yamato and Taichi would probably go berserk if Ken was hurt again. Yamato and Taichi would be ferrous and would try to Ken’s parents. Daisuke would run to his best friend and Jogress partner, get him to safely, then join the fight to killing Ken parents.

Wormmon was snapped out of his thoughts when Ken placed two stacks of chocolate chip pancakes, with strawberries, and two glasses of milk on the table. Wormmon eyed the food hungrily as Ken gave thanks. Even since Ken’s grandmother took custody of him, Ken was required to attend church every Sunday, learn the Christian religion and Cherokee belief, and read the bible every day in the study with his grandmother before bed. Wormmon was confused at first about why humans did this. He remembered Ken’s grandmother telling the both of them that by talking to Jesus, the Christian God, you are connecting with him spiritually and emotionally.   

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