Chapter 8: Jogress Bond

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Daisuke paced back and forth in his room. His parents were out on some kind of weeklong cruise and his sister was on a school trip. Resulting with him left alone with his thought. Oh he had his Digimon with him, who was currently napping on the bed, but DemiVeemon wasn't good when it came to figuring out a way to communicate with Ken. Daisuke was the only one who was able to communicate with his Jogress partner through their bond. The problem is that Ken needs to be not unconscious.

Daisuke was about to do another round of pacing when a sudden hunger followed by the feeling of pain hit. Daisuke fell to his knees as he tried to think through the pain. What's weird about this pain and extreme hunger was that it wasn't his. He had just eaten a large plate of food and shouldn't be hungry. Unless it wasn't him he was feeling but Ken's. This must mean that Ken has finally awaken or at least conscious.

Ignoring the pain and hunger, Daisuke sat down on the floor, crossing his legs like a pretzel and closed his eyes. Daisuke cleared his mind, like he had done so many times before, and searched for the link that connected him to the Child of Kindness. After a few moments Daisuke felt a warm and gentle energy. Daisuke smiled and mentally reached out to touch the energy that belonged to his Jogress partner. As soon as he felt the energy Daisuke felt his spirit leave, temporally, the Physical World to enter the mental one.


Daisuke opened his eyes and found himself in the Mental World. Unlike the Human or Digital World, the Mental World is a place spirits go to escape to temporally from their current troubles. The Mental World for a matter of better words is called the Dream World. From what Daisuke knew of this place, the Mental World had the ability to connect people in their dreams or daydreams. The Mental World is also made of pure positive energy, so there was no evil or darkness here, which was a good thing if he was going to find Ken.

Daisuke looked around and found himself in a corridor with four doors. Each door had a symbol or symbols on them and a single word under it. The first two doors were his. Both doors had the symbol of the Crest of Courage, Friendship, and Miracles. Under the symbols of the first door was "Dream", while the second had "Physical". The other two doors had the symbol of the Crest of Kindness with the same message as his under them.

Daisuke floated to the doors that had the Crest of Kindness on them. The door that said, "Dream" would have transported him to Ken's World. However, this door had chains on them, which meant that he wasn't asleep. Daisuke faced the other door that had "Physical" written on it. With this door he would be able to teleport, well his spirit anyway, to Ken's exact location.

Daisuke placed his right palm to the door. The door radiated a familiar warmth that reminded him of Ken. As soon as he touched the door the other three doors shimmer away, while the one he was touching began to glow in a blind light. Daisuke shielded his eyes at the blinding light as he felt himself being transported to his friend location.


Daisuke blinked his eyes rapidly as he tried to focus on his new soundings, which was hard considering how dark the room was. Well, maybe not really a room. The room he was currently in was half the size of his own bedroom, with about four candles as the only source of light, from what he can tell. Daisuke scanned the room and noticed that he was in a cell with copper or steel bars. In the far corner there was a boy with navy, chin length, hair and a green caterpillar Digimon. Daisuke got on his knees next to the Virus Digimon. Daisuke watched curiously as the Digimon broke off a piece of the sandwich he was holding and tried to feed it to the boy. Daisuke eyes widen at the sight of his best friend.

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