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"I want her protected"

"Of course alpha"

"No man is to touch her, kiss her or even talk to her that I don't approve of. Am I clear?"

"Yes alpha."

"Keep her safe and away from trouble. I'm trusting you Tyler."

Tyler furrowed his brow and looked up towards the visiting alpha.
"But sir, how do you know Gabe will send her away?" Bradley scoffed and laughed, turning to face the beta in front of his desk.

"When the time comes Gabe will send her away, he'll see how special she really is."

A quick knock on the door silenced them as a small girl with dark brown curly hair came bounding through the grand doors. Padding over to the alphas desk and placing herself on his knees. He wrapped his arms around the ting frame of the 8 year old who's eyes radiated a bright green. She stared up at him panting, her freckled cheeks puffing out and slowly fading from the light red they once were.

"What's wrong princess?" He questioned, kissing the top of her head.

"Gabe and Amy keep chasing me, and Brody stole my bratz doll and threw her in the pool! She doesn't belong there! She's a snow angel." She exhaled and crossed her arms over her tiny chest, huffing and puffing as she did.

Bradley growled loudly at the mention of Brody. Turning to Tyler yet again, with a grimace placed firmly on his face.

"Another thing, keep your mutt of a brother away from her." Tyler gasped and stood up.

"But alpha he might be her-"
Bradley growled again and held the girl to his chest as she played with the pens on his desk seeming to bring them to life as the bottoms walked along the wooden surface. Bradley couldn't help but smile at the innocence and purity of his little mate.

"I don't care" He said, squeezing her tight.
"Just keep her away from him. She's mine."

That is how the constant battle between alpha Bradley Bliss and the beta of the Crimson moon pack Brody Bratter had started. It all began with that young little pup, but will the fighting ever end, If the one thing they both wish to protect is in danger?
Find out in Their little Luna


Okay! Hope you guys liked this. Next chapter shall be up soon as possible! Have an awesome day!

M x

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