Chapter 12- Wasting money

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The drive up to the local shopping centre was short and I found myself wanting to stay in the car and sleep for a few more hours, but the look of the Sephora shop had me swinging open the truck door and jumping over Max's lap in seconds.

"Bran come on!" I said, now fully sprinting into the doors. I could hear Max laugh from the car and the ignition come to a halt whilst footsteps followed. Meanwhile my eyes were trained on the makeup I could see just after those big glass doors. I felt my insides tighten in a nervous heap, my head began to spin and I couldn't focus on more than one thing but the people behind those doors; I stopped dead in my tracks.

"You know you have to walk up to the doors and push them, right princess?" Max said, standing next to me. Brandon had already entered the shop and the doors swing open in slow motion. A gust of the sweetest smell I have ever come to find in my 16 years of existence and there, in front of me, stood the man who was responsible for it.

I could only see the back of his head but I knew he would be attractive. Short curls flowed from his head in small ringlets which was tied back into a low pony, the chestnut brown colour it emitted reminding me of the forests I used to play in when I was younger. He was tall and just a tad darker than me with rich bronzed arms that were displayed perfectly by a white form fitting top that lead down to some dark blue jeans that hung loosely on his hips whilst still managing to cling on to his sculpted body. Some of his hip was shown making me sway in giddiness and I wondered why this man had such an effect on me. Why was I ogling this god-like man so blatantly, I never did things like that yet here I was gawking at him like he was some sort extinct animal. I shook my head and looked up at Max, throwing him a smile. He smiled back and took my hand in his, pulling me to wards the now closed door.

"Get whatever you want babe, it's on me." I shook my head and told him I didn't need his money but he responded by handing me a was of money tied together with a red elastic band. I passed it back to him and pulled out my Visa card.

"I got it covered Maximus" I said, pulling my tongue out. He huffed and pulled on my dress in retaliation.

"Nice choice of clothing by the way, very...pure" he winked. I did a small twirl and threw him a quick smile, it was boiling out today and my pale skin wasn't used to the scorching sun of the states. Brandon said a dress was a must in heat like this and threw me a white sundress.

"I'm less keen on the jacket though." I let out a small laugh and held out my hand for him to take.

"Why, don't think I'm a badass?" I said, referencing my denim jacket with the words 'Badass babe' printed on the back in bold red letters.

"No, I know you are. But guys might get the wrong idea." He said, taking my outstretched hand into his large one.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Come on Romeo, time to spend all my money on shït I don't need" the doors opened automatically and I looked to Max watching his amused face from my attempt at a joke.

I started to laugh when I came face to face with a brick wall.

"Umph" I mumbled as I fell to the hard warm floor inside the shop. I rubbed my butt roughly and looked up to see what the hell I had bumped into when Max crouched in front of me with frantic eyes and began checking me for injuries.

"Where does it hurt princess, did you hit your head?" I rubbed my head lightly and felt no pain, instead I felt strange little electric shocks running through my entire body. Like sparks running through my joints and coming together in my chest to make this Strange warm feeling. God I must be going insane. I offered Max up a smile and shook my head.

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