Chapter 13-Let it burn

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"You know I've seriously never packed this much in my damn life"

"Ditto doll"
"It ain't that bad May. Things could be worse"

"No I gotta agree with May here man. This Shît is hard" Lex concluded, currently reaching for a Winnie the Pooh teddy on top of my wardrobe.

"I don't get why we're taking things like this with us. When are you gonna need this stuff?" Bran said with a pair of black fairy wings in his hands that I wore in 2006 for my birthday party. God this was embarrassing as hell. My dad had told me about an hour ago ,whilst my mum was taking my measurements for a dress her friend Skyla was making me, that the old family photo albums of Gabe, my mum and dad and I were still nestled away somewhere in my room so like the strange little nostalgic I was I ran to my room and begged the guys to help me pack up my stuff and help me find them all. Little did I know that I would need to bring all this crap from my childhood with me to the castle for 'reminiscent purposes', according to my mother anyway.

"Talia thinks we need it all and we listen to the luna here Hughes" Max huffed, taping shut yet another cardboard box marked 'boring shit May definitely doesn't need' marked by Lex of course.

"Whatever, what time're we leaving tomorrow anyway?" Replied Lex. Bran's ears seemed to perk up at this question as he searched aimlessly under my bed for the albums.

"Alpha Landon is taking us at 5am, so be ready by then. That includes you baby girl." I nodded and silently wondered how much of a mess I was going to look when I got to the castle with absolutely no makeup to speak of on my face when Bran exclaimed in excitement.

"Found the fuckers!"

"You found them?" I asked holding in my laughter from Max's stunned face from Bran's choice of words.

"I believe so baby" He said, pulling out two golden albums rimmed with  a beige cotton outline that wound around the spines of the albums stopping at the top and splitting into two separate lines and spiralling onto the front and back of the albums in random patters spelling out "Redemption Falls" effortlessly. The door to my room then swung open and in stepped my mother and father with numerous packets of crisps and sweets in their arms.

"Thought you kids might be hungry" My mum said, cringing at the state my room was now in after all the rummaging around.

"I see you guys found the albums" Dad said laughing. He stepped into the room, carefully side stepping all of the closed boxes and numerous teddy bears that covered the floor. He came and sat next to me and Brandon on the bottom of my bed with the photo albums firmly planted in Bran's hands. My mum, Max and Lex soon followed until we were all sat in a less-than-neat circle on my black duvet.

"Wanna do the honours chic?" Bran said passing me the albums and grabbing a packet of oreos from my dads hands hastily. Dad threw him a mischievous glare and resumed to look up at me smiling whilst mum sat in his lap doing the same.

I blew out of a breath of air and smiled back, opening the first page of the first album, almost laughing when I saw a picture of mum and dad.

"when the hell was this and what are you wearing?" Mum leaned over and grabbed the album quickly, showing dad who laughed heartily.

"God this must've been 24 years ago Tali."

"I can't believe its been that long." Mum said, passing it to Max, Lex and Bran who laughed.

"Looking good alpha." Max said. The picture was of mum and dad at what looked to be  a club dressed as red riding hood and what looked to be the big bad wolf. Mum looked remarkably similar to me whilst dad was the dead ringer of Gabe.

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