Chapter 2- The rules.

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We pulled up towards Sophie's house as she hopped out and waved at the three of us.

"You better call me next week! I am so not letting you leave without trying to squeeze the life out of you." Serina laughed as well as Tyler while I just crossed my arms and smirked.

"I promise I'll call. Now go before your mum has an actual fit from you not being home on time." She looked towards her small cottage-like house and ran towards the door. Waving one last time as she did.

Tyler started driving towards our house now. Serina still in the back seat screaming lyrics to In this Moment.

"I am the sin I am your WHORE!" She shouted, her earphones still planted firmly in her ears.

"So, you excited to be seeing your brother again?" Tyler questioned, holding my hand tightly with his. I shrugged and rested my head on my other hand, staring out the windscreen.

"I guess so. I mean, last time I saw him he sent me away. He might still hold a grudge y'know."

Tyler frowned, I felt his eyes on the side of my face as I causally scanned the scenery.

"Im more excited to see mum and dad to be completely honest." He smiled at that and kissed my hand.

"You did see your dad a month ago baby."

"What can I say, I'm a daddy's girl" I wink as he chuckled and carried on driving, seeming to be back into his own little bubble.

"What about you, excited to see Brody?" Tyler's smile dropped a fraction and his eyes turned dark before brightening up again and smirking.

"I guess so, be fun to see the big guy again. I read that twins can't be separated for too long."

"Someone's been reading bullshît magazine again"  Serina started to giggle quietly under her breath. She must've heard me.

"Yeah, I suppose I have. He's grown closer to the other guys anyway. He probably doesn't even remember me."

"Tyler I highly doubt he's gonna forget his little brother, regardless of how close he's grown to Gabe, Cameron, Dylan and Bradley"

He scoffed. Releasing my hand like I had somehow burnt him.

I looked at him confused. Was it something I said?

"Ty, Are you okay?" I asked, attempting to grab his hand again. He pulled away from me and growled.

"Yeah. Just, just gimme a minute." I stared at him for a few minutes before we pulled into our house.

"Max is home!" Serina shouted, jumping out the car and running towards the front door. Banging on it with her small fist until Max opened the door.

"Why do you go all touchy when you mention Bradley huh? Do you guys have some history or what?" I was determined to get an answer out of Tyler this time. He always closed himself off from me when it came to Bradley. Bradley Bliss.

He was the alpha of the Bliss pack. His story is a long one and a little confusing, something that takes time and deep understanding to comprehend. It was brutal, heart wrenching and morbid in nature. Much too detailed for the current situation.

Tyler was somewhat strange when it came to him. Never talking about him unless it was needed and growling whenever his name was mentioned.

"Look May I'm not in the mood. Let's just get to Miami with no fighting, no arguing and pull through this together. Okay?" To say I was angry would be an understatement. We'd been dating a little over a year and he still wouldn't tell me anything deep about himself. I felt as though we were stuck in a rut.

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