Chapter 8- Siren

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^^^^ song of the chapter

We were all sat in the living room,Serina, Brandon, Lex and a half melted Tyler who still couldn't move. We were all dead silent. The TV was off and there was no noise to be heard anywhere in the house except for the odd teeth clattering of Tyler as he began to shiver.

Brandon was sat on the sofa opposite me with Serina by his side, lex was next to me trying to warm me up as my body was still below normal temperature after whatever it was what just happened with Tyler. Max still hadn't come back from the store and I constantly kept glancing towards the front window expecting to see his car pull in to the driveway.

"So, you're telling me that you're not human?" Bran suddenly said, breaking the silence. I didn't even have the energy to nod so Lex did it for me.

"You're werewolves?" Lex nodded yet again.
"Like, changing into a wolf-man on a full moon and killing innocent town folk or like Jacob from twilight?"

"A little bit of both I guess." Lex replied.
"You can't be both! You have to pick one greedy ass." I let out a slight giggle and looked over at Bran as he threw me a quick smile.
Lex cleared his throat and spoke out.
"We don't always change on a full moon but we do tend to lose control more during that time."

"So you're like a mix?" Serina asked. I nodded this time, cuddling into the blanket more.

"I told you, they can't be a mix. That's just being greedy. It's like people who are bisexual. They're just damn greedy."

"Hey! I'm bisexual dumbass." Serina retorted.
"No no no sweetie. You are a lesbian. Say it with me now L-E-S-B-I-A-N"
"No I like boys and girls, meaning that I'm bisexual."
"But you clearly like one more than the other, correct?" Serina hesitantly bobbed her head and Bran clapped his hands together.

"So if you like boys more then you're straight, if you like girls more you're lesbian. Simples!"

Serina scoffed and shook her head.
"That's such a narrow minded view, aren't you gay anyway?"
"Yes sweetie, and I will claw a bïtch if you have a problem with that" he said smiling sweetly.

"Guys, can we get back to the topic at hand?"
"I'm just saying you're being greedy. You can't have both. You're either a twilight werewolf or a wolf-man. Just like you're either straight, gay or lesbian."

"There's a lot more sexualities, you do know that right?" Lex said.
Bran just looked up for a second before clicking fingers.

"Right right, take back what I said lovelies. Carry on with the explanation."

Lex mouthed a thank you and stood up, looking as though he was about to give us all a lecture.

"So as you now know we are werewolves. We shift into wolves whenever we want after our sixteenth birthday. We trave-"

"So do you guys have like alphas and stuff? Cause I read online that you do." Bran interrupted.

"Yeah we have all that stuff. Alphas run the pack, betas are second in command, then gammas, then deltas and then normal pack warriors. Then you've got you're typical wolf and lastly omegas"

"So you guys just label yourselves after Greek letters?"

"Pretty much" I said.
"Kind of unoriginal" Serina whispered. Lex and I laughed while Brandon just looked between us all, wondering what had been said.

"That's another thing, we have enhanced abilities, we're faster than you, stronger with better hearing and more often than not better looking."

"Ahaw!" Serina said standing up from the couch to come next to Lex.

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