Chapter 16-Claim

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"May" Tyler sighed, relief clear in his tone. I almost scoffed from the mere idea that he had missed me. I opened my mouth to speak but thought better of it, the wounds were still raw and talking wouldn't lead to anything beneficial right now. I slammed my mouth shut and furrowed my brow, staring at him with a questioning look, resignation clear on my face. I was confused, but I was no longer angry or upset and that thought alone made me realise-Nothing I had felt for Tyler was real.
"You" Demi said sternly, pointing a finger at him. "Were supposed to stay in your chambers" her voice was completely different from how she had spoken a few minutes ago to me and Bran, then it clicked. This was Demi the Queen, she had been a royal for over a year-she wasn't always the happy-go-lucky, spirited she-wolf all the time.

"I know Dems, I just wanted to see he-"
"Her highness" Gabe growled out. I turned to look at him and saw that he was now an inch behind me, shadowing me in a form of protection from Tyler.
"What?" Tyler asked confused, taking a step away from us.

"You'll address her as your highness; Until May takes the throne. You do not have the privilege of calling anyone here by their birth names. Not after what you did". Gabe said, his words dripping with distaste.

"Gabe leave it" I whispered, not wanting this to go on anymore. He grabbed my arm gently.
"No May, he committed a crime against both the crown, and wolf-law" I raised my brow and looked up at him. How had he committed a crime? Surely not by cheating on me, most humans did that to each-other with no consequences, except the end of their relationships.
"How has he committed a crime?" Bran voiced, standing close to Demi, whilst staring at Gabe in confusion.

"By Wolf-law, it is illegal to engage in sexual contact with any wolf under the age of 16." I gasped and held my hand to my mouth. I completely forgot about that. Tyler could be put on trial for this. Not only that, he could be put to death.

"But I'm 16 and we never engaged in sexual conduct!" I shouted, wanting to defend myself in front of my brother.

Gabe shook his head and glared at Tyler once more.
"We don't know that for sure. Besides the disregard to the law of the crown still stands"

"By the law of the crown, no royal shall be touched when a claim has already been placed upon her." Draco said from the back of the room. I turned and noticed that we were the only ones present now-no servants or guards, just Max, Lex, Bran, Demi, Draco, Gabe, Cameron, Tyler and me. Suddenly Draco's words rang in my ears. A claim has already been placed upon her. A claim? On me? By who? Why wasn't I made aware of this. My head started feeling as though it were swimming and I struggled to get air into my lungs as my eyes connected with Max's. In a flash he was by my side, pulling me to him and holding my chin up.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a gruff voice, most likely from remaining quite all this time. I nodded my head gently and gave him a small smile, putting my hand against his chest, standing up straight. I looked at the people around me and realised, they were fighting this battle for me, when it was me who was going to be fighting their battles for them in the very near future. If I was going to be queen, I had better make sure I act like it.

"Enough" I said as Gabe and Tyler were still glaring at each-other. Everyone's eyes snapped to mine as I cleared my throat.
"Tyler, what you did to me was unforgivable, and I will never forget it, and perhaps you do deserve to go to trial." I stopped, wanting him to sweat a little from the idea of him having to explain his actions to the council.
"However, as a consenting wolf, I do not feel the need to have you prosecuted, but I do want you to stay away from me."
He hesitated, looking down at the ground in  what seemed to be conflicting emotions.
"And in regards to the law of the crown, I was unaware of any claim upon me, therefore I reject the claim. As the future queen, I have the right to find my true mate and not be restricted to a chosen one." I sighed, waving Tyler away, watching his shoulders fall in defeat as he walked stubbornly through the glass doors of the palace, into another unknown room.

Just as I let out a breath, I heard people clapping behind me, only to see the rest of my little family smiling and cheering for me. I smiled in confusion and shook my head, waiting for them to stop. Bran and Demi ran over to me and engulfed me in a bear hug, quashing my cheeks together unattractively, as they were both still very much taller than me.

"I'm so proud of you Bunny!"
"You told the arsehole" they both said at the same time, squeezing me tighter.

"Thanks guys, but I can't breathe." I choked

They both released me with toothy smiles. I smiled back before my eyes caught three very awkward looking men, standing very close together and talking in hushed whispers.

I walked over to them and grabbed the closest one to me by the arm, seeming to snap him out of his conversation.

"Max, what exactly are you guys talking about so secretively?" I asked, holding in a grin as he looked at anything but me.
"Nothing May, honestly. Just some border patrol schedules. They need to be doubled-no..tripled now that you're here." I nodded. It made sense. Max knew I hated going places alone, hence why he very rarely left me unsupervised. Gabe seemed to back this statement up by nodding his head rapidly, whilst Cameron just smiled awkwardly.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him gesture for Demi to come to us as she was now talking to bran and Lex about something to do with the castle it seemed by her insane hand gestures towards the staircase. She nodded her head, clasping her hands together gently and gracefully walked over.

"Well shall we get you to your room bunny?" She said, signalling for Draco to accompany us. He nodded and stood besides the boys. Gabe and Cameron both came over and kissed Demi, one after the other, telling her they'd see her soon as they walked away. I wanted to feel happy for Demi, having such loving mates. But seeing her so close to Cameron and not Max left a sour taste in my mouth. I waited for max to leave with them as Lex walked over and quietly asked if they were going with them. But Max didn't answer. Instead he stood, staring at me. Not the mate that rejected him, who's hand was placed protectively on my back, but me. His eyes never leaving mine.

"Max, are we going or?" Lex asked, tapping his shoulder and trying to get his attention back to him.
But he never spoke, he just kept staring. Seeming to search for what I was thinking.
"Can you all just us a second." He said in a low voice. I knew Brandon had left by the sound of his footsteps walking away. But Lex and Demi stayed.

"Lex, I'll be with you in a minute." He said. Lex looked at me as though to give him permission to which I smiled, giving him a reassuring nod.

Finally Max's eyes left my own and snapped to Demi's. Giving her, what can only be described as, an exasperated and annoyed stare. She shook her head and sighed.

"Anything you can say to May can be said to me Maximus. I am still the acting queen until the coronation." She said sternly.
Max's face lit up as he started full out laughing.
"Fine your highness" he said blatantly mocking her.
He grabbed both of my upper arms, crouching down so that we were eye level.
"May, she means absolutely nothing to me. So please don't hate my brother. He did what he thought was right and got a mate and a new brother out of it. I don't feel bitter about it, I'm happy for the three of them. The bond was cut the day I met you." He said, giving my forehead a kiss. I furrowed my brows in confusion, still looking up at him even though he was crouched.
"I thought she rejected you?" Demi immediately burst out laughing at this, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Trust me May, I was planning on it. But he rejected me the day he met you, I just accepted it and the bond was cut for good. We're just acquaintances, maybe even friends sometimes" she smiled at max and then rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.
"I'm gonna go show Brandon to his room. I'll get Draco to wait for you at the top of the staircase. I'll see you at dinner Bunny." She offered me a smile and then walked away, her heels clicking along the glass floor as she left.

"It doesn't make sense." I said, swinging back around to face Max. He seemed caught off guard and stood to his full height.
"What doesn't?"
"We never met until that plane ride."

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