Chapter 10- The Plane

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The plane journey was blurry and the only thing I remember was Brandon passing me a shot of whiskey that he'd stolen from Max during the flight. I went to shoot it back but I was terrified, I'd never once touched a drop of alcohol since Tyler and Max forbade it. I'd quickly slammed it down on the floor and pretended to drop it so Bran never called me a wuss or more likely drank it himself. Max would've been proud of me if he wasn't already completely knocked out because of his fear of flying. Lex lay on my shoulder and like Max was fast asleep. The only people awake in our section of the plane were Bran and I. The flight hostesses eyed us up with glares as I'd already caused a ruckus at the beginning go the flight. I cringed remembering it.

"Im 8E, what about you Lex?" Lex pulled out his boarding pass as we waited in the bay just before entering the plane.

"32B looks like we're nowhere near each other princess." he complained, shoving it back into his pocket. I shrugged and asked Bran and Max where they were sitting.

"32A" Bran replied.

"32D" Max finished. I was at a completely different end of the plane to them and that bugged me to no end. I was gonna be in the middle of two strangers. We boarded the plane and I saw that there was already two people in my aisle sat down on either side of my seat. Both were guys in their late teens who looked to be reeling around looking for someone. Then their eyes found mine and the one on the right elbowed the one on the left, nodding towards me. They both grinned and I felt my anxiety begging to kick in.

Breathe in and out May, In and out. Remember what Mom and Dad and Gabe said. They're not them. They can't hurt you anymore.

I listened to my own words and smiled, taking my seat. Max was just behind me and saw who I was sitting by. He growled and walked towards his seat, leaving me with the men. At this point I was actually sad that Tyler had taken an earlier flight without us to avoid being beaten to a pulp by the guys. He would've been handy in this situation.

The guy on my left put his hand on my leg casually and then apologised, but still didn't remove his hand. The other one chuckled and gave his friend a thumbs up. In any other setting I would probably think that these guys were attractive but right now this was just wrong. They looked to be about 19 and I was 15 for christs sake. This was just strange, not to mention illegal.

I coughed and looked at the one with his hand on my leg, signalling that I wanted his attention. He looked up at me and smiled with perfectly straight white teeth.

"Yeah beautiful?" I gave him my best fake smile and removed his hand slowly.

"I'd appreciate it if you kept your hands to yourself please" He nodded and then looked at the other guy who proceeded to place his hand on my other thigh.

"How 'bout my friend here. He okay to touch you?"

"Get your hands off my girl" I heard from behind me. I looked up to see Lex and Max standing there with their arms crossed, leaning against the chairs. Max had spoken and now had his hand clasped hard on the guy who quickly removed his hand away from me.

"Sorry, didn't know she was spoken for" He said, putting his hands up in surrender.

"It should be obvious" Lex mumbled, giving the other guy daggers as he swallowed hard making his adams apple bob up and down nervously.

"I'm gonna have to ask you to take your seats now." A skinny air hostess with brown hair said, eyeing up Max in awe.

"Not without my girlfriend i'm not" He said, glaring at her.

She sighed and looked at me, giving me one of the dirtiest looks I had ever seen. She flipped her head back and readjusted her small navy hat which was placed perfectly a-top her head.

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