Chapter 1- School's out.

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"Miss Crimson are you even listening to me?" I looked up from my paper and stared at Miss Pendal, quickly nodding and then carried on with my writing.

I felt a nudge from behind me and turned to see Loise kicking my chair. I growled, slamming down my pen to face her. She smiled and arched her eyebrow at me.

"What's up with you kid?" I forced a smile and shrugged.

"Math makes me want to jump off a cliff". She smirked and gave me a thumbs up, mouthing the word 'same' to me while turning to talk to someone else who sat besides her. Just twenty more minutes and I'm out of this hell hole for good.

I silently pulled out my phone from my pocket, making sure to keep it concealed from Miss Pendal.

'you still picking me up?' I hurriedly typed, shoving the phone back into my maroon blazer, tucking my blue shirt into my my matching knee length skirt as I did.

Well I suppose this is a strange place to start a story, but you see this was the summer my life changed, whether it was for the better or worst I'm still not sure.

Right now I'm in maths class, not understanding what the hell our teacher is talking about and really just hoping today will end so I can go pack and relax at home.

I winced as I felt a prick on my thigh and saw Danny withdrawing a metal compass he had previously lodged into my leg. Blood came pulsing out as I glared at him.

"I'm so sorry May. I just wanted to get your attention." I went to say that it was fine but realised it would seem more than strange if I were to all of a sudden stop bleeding when an inch of metal had tore my skin apart.

I walked out of the class without another word , I could hear Miss Pendal shouting behind me but chose to ignore her. It was my last day after all.

I entered the physics lab without knocking. To the right of me sat a man in a high chair, with white headphones stuck firmly in his ears while he listened to what appeared to he handle on YouTube. He scratched the top of his balding white hair and removed his headphones.

"Ah, May. What can I do for you?" I smiled and reached over to the drawer of his desk.
"Got any bandages sir?" he furrowed his brow and stepped to the back of the room. Pulling out a white bandage from one of the numerous containers.

"Now why would you of all people need a bandage" He signalled for me to get on the high chair and laughed when I was too short to sit without jumping.

"Stupid Daniel stabbed me with a compass again." he looked relieved as he began wrapping up my leg with the dried blood cracking and falling away as the cut had now completely healed.

"I'm guessing you didn't want Miss Pendal seeing you heal then?" I shook my head. The sound of the bell ringing made me realise how long I had been in the physics lab just talking. I leaped off the chair and tapped my thigh, smiling at Mr Thompson's handy work.

"I hear you're finally going to see your brother now that you've finished school. That true? Or were the Omegas sprouting shît again?" I couldn't help but giggle, He was so different outside of school.

Like me he was a werewolf, a previous beta. So it made sense for him to be a teacher after his son Clayton took over his duties. He met the criteria of being overbearing, stubborn and bossy, yet caring and selfless at the same time.

"Yeah, Tyler and Max have booked our flight to America for next week." I said, watching as the other kids filed out through the large door of the building.

"You should be off kiddo. Don't wanna make lover boy wait." I rolled my eyes and headed towards the door.

"Thanks for everything sir. I wouldn't have aced physics if it weren't for you." He smiled a genuine smile, small wrinkles forming under his eyes as he did.

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