Chapter 14-Just sing

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"And I need you, dund-dun-dund-dununu, and I miss you, dund-dun-dund-dununu, and now I wonder"

"Come on Max, sing!" I screamed over the loud music whilst Bran and Lex carried on.

"May I'm an alpha, I don't have time for sing-"
"Just sing!" I said quickly grabbing his hand that wasn't on the wheel. He rolled his eyes and slightly mumbled a 'tonight' under his breath to which I sighed.

"Honestly you're no fun" I said, crossing my arms over my chest and sitting back in my seat.
"Put it on again!" Bran stated.
"Can't do that dummy it's the radio" Lex replied.
"Well excuse me, I though we were in the 21st century here, ever heard of an aux lead?" I giggled and rested my head on the window. We'd been trying to bait Max into singing for us for about 5 hours now and had crossed about 4 state borders on the map, right now I had absolutely no idea where we were, all I could see was greenery, like we were deep into some forbidden forest with no indication on how to get out.

Just as I thought that Max began to slow down the truck until we came to a complete stop, his hand tightly wrapped around the gear stick. I looked around and saw nothing but trees still and furrowed my brow.

"Er maximillion, Why are we stopped?" I said whilst I heard mumbles of agreed confusion behind me from Brandon.
"Because I wanna make sure you're okay, that you're ready for this. You've been through a lot May; are you sure you're ready for this right now?" I made a silent gasp in my throat as a lump started to form. He looked at me with those bright blue eyes with nothing but concern and love nestled in them. I thought for a second-was I ready for this? To be queen of the werewolf world, not to mention whilst still battling high school and mate troubles, my mind started to fill with doubt until I looked behind me at brandon and Lex, looks of concern matching that of Max's on their faces and I smiled.

"With all of you by my side, I'm ready for anything." I said grabbing his hand from the stick; Brandon then grabbed my other hand from behind the seat whilst Lex grabbed his and Max's.

"We got this" Lex said throwing me a wink.
"We'll always have your back baby" Bran said doing the same mischievous wink. My heart warmed with their support as my eyes finally landed on Max, he looked at the car floor, shaking his head slightly when his pupils connected with mine all of a sudden.
"I don't want you hurt little one" he whispered, just low enough for me to hear. I offered up what little confidence I had and squeezed his hand right.
"I won't be"

With that he nodded and started up the car again. He rustled in his pocket for a second before grabbing something and throwing it at Brandon.

"Kid, throw this around your neck" Brandon held the object up high, it was a dark blue crystal with some sort of sparkling element nestled within it, held together in a type of necklace by a clashing rope tied firmly in a not.

"I'd rather not, it's quite hideous but I appreciate the gesture" he said jokingly, Max growled and gave him a serious look, to which bran stuck his hands in the air and placed the necklace over his head.

"Now hold on, this is gonna hurt." He said, directing it towards all three of us. We looked at each other in confusion before it hit us. An overwhelming feel on being complete washed over me, it was like a part of me was becoming unlocked for the first time and bursting out from each pore of my skin it could find, I took in a deep breath and smiled to myself, feeling the air fill up my lungs when the pain finally hit.

My stomach churned and ached to tear itself apart and spew it's contents, max stopped the car and brandon jumped out, throwing up his breakfast all over the floor as I tried desperately to keep mine down. I saw Lex sway slightly behind me whilst Max just laughed.

"First time crossing the border, always a fun time" 
"Border?" I asked feeling the pain start to expire.
"Yep, keeps the humans and hunters away, what, you didn't really think we'd just let the royal family live in with complete lunatics did you?" He said jokingly, I shrugged my shoulders and looked behind me to see a mirror like wall, seeming to go on forever in a type of circle around the entire kingdom.Wait-kingdom?

It took a minute for me to process that we were no longer in some random forest or mountains area. Oh no, we were in something from a fairytale land. Land stretched out for miles with small cottages and houses nestled into ever nook and cranny the place could offer, all around there was soft grass with flowers everywhere if ever kind, seeming to grow in a never ending loop, animals roamed free as people chatted to eachother whilst walking along the stone paths decorated with white pebbles imbedded into the ground, then in the distance I saw it. The castle.

I could only see the top of some sort of spiral like tower, but even that was magnificent. It was a pristine white colour, with light gold entwined around it, there were castle walls hiding what else there was, but I could feel the excitement start to bubble inside me as I squealed.

"We're really here Max" I whispered, squeezing his hand with everything I had.
"And you haven't even seen the best of it yet little one, he chuckled, smiling at me.

"Hey princess! Get your ass back in the car, we got a queen to deliver." Lex shouted. Attracting the eyes of onlookers as they heard the word 'queen', people started to whisper and gather around the truck in a slow manned. Brandon jumped in quickly and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, rubbing away the left over sick he had there.

"I really need a toothbrush." he said groggily as we began to drive off quickly.
"And I really need to sleep" said Lex with a yawn.
"And I would really like if you all stopped moaning and let me drive." Max finished.
They both stopped and lay back in defeat.
"So, what's the first matter of business?" I asked putting my feet up and finally releasing his hand.
"We meet with your other protector and then we see your brother."
"Protector?" I questioned gulping nervously. Max nodded and offered me a look of pity.

Oh well, guess it's time to face the music, return of the Tyler.

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