Chapter One: Assassinations

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The first time someone tried to kill Rose Granger-Weasley was the third-worst day of her life. The second day was reserved for the time her Mum sent her a howler. The howler came into the Great Hall and announced the name of the boy she fancied. The entire school heard the declaration. Rose was teased mercilessly for months and swore the humiliation almost killed her. 

The absolute worst day of her life had yet to happen. She was saving that spot for the day she got killed or the world ran out of coffee. Whichever came first.

The last time someone tried to kill Rose Granger-Weasley was less than 24 hours ago. At that point, the witch was so used to her life being threatened that it wasn't worth adding to the "Worst Days of Her Life" list. 

However, the moment Albus showed up on her doorstep with her least favorite Slytherin in tow, Rose knew today was going to take the fourth slot on the list. 

When Al first showed up at her flat, Rose naively assumed it was to comfort her after yet another near-death experience. Then she noticed the Ferret behind him and her mood quickly dampened. From there, it became apparent Al was determined to ruin her life.

A safe house. He wanted her to go to a bloody safe house. As if being locked away wasn't torment enough, they wanted her to go to a safe house with Auror Malfoy. This entailed leaving behind her flat, ceasing all un-work related communication, and being trapped in the same house as Malfoy for Merlin knows how long. Rose's stomach felt queasy at the idea.

Currently, Uncle Harry was in the sitting room with her parents, carefully going over the plan Albus concocted to secure Rose's safety. Albus and Malfoy were sitting in her kitchen using every persuasive technique in the books to convince her to follow along with the plan. Or at least Albus was. Malfoy was huddled in the corner looking irritated with the entire situation. Then again she'd never seen him be anything short of irritated around her. 

"I don't need a bodyguard," Rose said for what must have been the millionth time that day. Like the other 999,999 times she tried to interject, Albus talked over her.

"Rosie, this is the seventh time a member of The Reformed has made an attempt on your life. As the lead Auror on this case, it is my job to keep you out of harm's way. The best way to do that is to get you out of the public eye and away from danger. The head of the department agrees with me on this."

"Will you quit with the formalities? Just because your Dad agrees with you doesn't mean I'm going to go along with it."

Albus sighed running his hands down his face. He was getting frustrated with her. Rose couldn't find the will to care. She hated the idea of being confined, especially when she was in the middle of the most important case of her career.

At only 23 years old Rose Granger-Weasley was the best lawyer at the Ministry. It wasn't because her last name earned her respect or because her Uncle was head of the department. It was all due to the countless hours stuck behind a desk, meticulously going over files, reading every law book around, and practicing statements with each spare moment. With the amount of time Rose spent doing her job, she barely had a social life. Or so her last boyfriend told her right before he thoughtlessly ended their relationship over owl. Her career was her life and she was not ashamed to admit that.

Her hard work had earned her a spot on the top and she was not going to let a few minor death threats push her back. Not when it was so important to her and the rest of the Wizarding World. 

When Wendigo Pious first showed his face around the Wizarding World five years ago, nobody took him as a serious threat. He caused minor issues. Tiny explosions in abandoned muggle communities. Petty theft in Knockturn Alley. Things that weren't even worth being printed in the Prophet. 

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