Chapter Nineteen: Heartbreak

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Rose Granger-Weasley's heart was only broken once before. 

During Hogwarts, Rose had her fair share of boyfriends. None of which were serious relationships. A few brief relationships, lasting no more than a few months before the fire would die and she'd move on. 

That is until Dimitar.

The Krums were close family friends (much to her father's dismay). They would see each other a few times a summer, usually to watch a quidditch match or when her family would go to Bulgaria for vacation and vice versa. 

Dimitar was a year older than Rose. While they were friendly when they saw one another, Rose never had much interest in the older boy. He was obnoxious and rude, always bragging about his latest quidditch accomplishments. They were friendly, but their conversations never steered down anything remotely personal. It was the basic 'how are you?' and 'pass the peas.' conversations. 

It wasn't until the summer after her 6th year that things changed. They'd gone to support Dimitar in his first professional game, which they'd lost horribly. Afterward, the families went out to eat. Dimitar was in a sour mood. He snapped at the waiter, made rude remarks, and pouted for most of the night. It was infuriating. 

They'd traveled all this way and he couldn't bother to thank them for coming. 

Mr. Krum did his best to lighten the mood, but Dimitar's dark cloud completely ruined the evening. When they were preparing to leave the restaurant, Rose stumbled and accidentally fell into Dimitar's side. He yelled at her calling her a bumpling idiot. 

Rose snapped.

All night she'd kept her mouth shut, trying to keep the peace. Being called an idiot was over the line. 

Rose screamed at Dimitar, calling him an entitled brat with poor sportsmanship. Her parents had to drag her out of the restaurant, profusely apologizing for their daughter's behavior. Despite the poor manners, Rose felt no remorse for her actions. At that moment, she'd written Dimitar off and planned to never speak to him again. 

Then he'd sent her the first letter. The envelope sang out a horrid apology, with a letter apologizing for his poor behavior and begging for forgiveness. Rose responded in kind, apologizing for yelling, but not for her words. She'd agreed to let bygones be bygones.

She expected that would be the end of it, but then another letter arrived. This one was similar to the last. An apology, but Dimitar opened up about his anger from the game. How the other chasers skipped practice the night before and showed up still smashed. About how he'd been waiting years for his first professional match to only have it ruined by seasoned veterans who couldn't care anymore.

Rose felt empathy for him and sent back another letter. He replied within two days. Soon they were exchanging letters weekly. They shared their likes and dislikes, and their fears, and talked about the things they wanted to accomplish someday. 

It happened quickly. One minute, Rose was ready to write the boy off. The next she was watching out the window for Dimitar's owl and counting down the days til their families got together again.

By the time Rose began her seventh year, they were together. 

It was different than her previous relationships. It felt real. For the first time, Rose knew she was in love. 

They saw each other as often as they could and had date nights through the fireplace. They started planning for a life together after Hogwarts. Dimitar knew Rose dreamed of being a lawyer and the Ministry was the best place for that. Dimitar agreed to sign on with a quidditch team in Britain so they could be together and move into a flat. 

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