Chapter Twenty-Two: Daisies

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It'd been two hours since Scorpius left her room to speak with Al and Uncle Harry. As soon as they got on the fireplace, she'd heard Al spewing curses at her idiotic actions all the way from the sitting room. Scorpius spent a long time calming Al down enough to where she couldn't hear them any longer. 

Once she could no longer eavesdrop on their conversation, she accioed a book from the office. If she couldn't work, she may as well read. It'd been far too long since she read for pleasure.

Propping the book against her knees, she began reading and lost herself in the world of mermaids and underwater kingdoms. The longer she read, the sorer she got. Whatever Scorpius gave her earlier to help with the pain was starting to wear off. The full extent of her injuries were beginning to flare to life. 

She shifted uncomfortably, trying to find a position that offered the most comfort. Settling for sitting up straight in the bed, she continued reading, glancing at the clock every few pages. The night passed slowly, each minute stretching out painstakingly slow. She was desperate for Scorpius to return to relieve her of the pain. She'd do it herself, except she wasn't sure if medications, a spell, or a potion were used. She didn't want to risk using the wrong thing. 

Impatiently, Rose continued reading, doing her best to ignore the throbbing ache in her shoulder and sides. Another half hour passed til a knock pounded at the door. Rose jumped, jarring her shoulder. She moaned, lightly rubbing the cramped appendage. 

"Come on in."

Scorpius poked his head through the door, "Is it okay if I come in?"

Rose patted the chair next to her. She marked her page in the book and set it on the bedside table. Scorpius sat down, his feet settling on her bed.  "How was the call with my Uncle and Al?"

"I'm guessing you heard the first half of it."

"Loud and clear."

"After Al stopped yelling, I told them your story. Mr. Potter is on his way to Helene's home as we speak."

Rose chuckled, "I'm sure she'll appreciate the late-night house call."

"You did say to have Al search the house as soon as possible." Scorpius pointed out. "We take our orders literally around here."

"It won't be the first time someone has disturbed Helene in the off hours and it certainly won't be the last."

"Mr. Potter should get the warrant tonight and Al will be there first thing in the morning with a team to search through the home."

"What about Ruby?"

"Mr. Potter will speak with her in the morning, while Al's team is at Pious's place. Once she agrees, he'll stop by tomorrow to gather the evidence you collected and give us a report on Al's findings."

Rose checked the clock again, eager for the minutes to tick by faster. She was beyond anxious to hear about Al's search and get the evidence to Ruby. She itched to be behind the desk.

"What time will my Uncle be arriving?"

"Hard to say. I'd assume early in the morning."

She made a mental note to set an alarm to be up early enough to see Uncle Harry. She'd missed her godfather. 

"Were they still angry with me?"

"Furious." Scorpius confirmed, "I think they were a little less upset when I told them about all the evidence you collected."

"Should have started with that. Might have softened the blow."

Scorpius nudged her leg, "Don't tell Al, I kind of wanted to see him freak out. His face gets so red and he spits badly when he talks. It's funny."

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